Chapter 33

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Alex's POV- 6 years later

I wake up to my phone ringing. I pick it up. 


 "Hey Alex! So we are going to get there a little late cause Juliette has an open house for her school" Jess says. 

"Can't a 28 year old woman rest in peace." 

"You're not the only one." 

"Ok I'll see you later." I sigh,  hanging up. I get up and head to the shower. After my shower I change into a black crop top, shorts, and converse. I go downstairs and see Ethan outside with Stephen and Felicity. Yes those are our kids. Stephen Jonas Dolan and Felicity Magen Dolan. Stephen is 6 and Felicity is 4. I had convinced Ethan on naming our kids that because like you know I'm obsessed with Arrow. I walk outside and see Felicity on Ethan's shoulders and Stephen playing with his toys on the grass.

 "Good morning guys." I smile closing the door behind me. 

"Mommy!" Felicity and Stephen say. Stephen runs to me and gives me a hug. Ethan puts down Felicity and she runs over to me. 

"When is auntie Kola and uncle Grayson coming? Are they bring Jace and Delilah?" Stephen asks excitedly. 

"They are coming in about 2 hours and yes they are bringing them." I say smiling down at him. 

"Is uncle Jason coming with auntie Paris?" Felicity asks. For a 4 year old girl she talks pretty fluently and I'm surprised. 

"Yes they are." I answer.

 "Guess who else is coming?" Ethan says coming up behind me and pecking my cheek. 

"Who?!" they ask excitedly. 


"You mean that auntie Kola, uncle Grayson, Jace, Delilah, Jess, uncle James, Juliette, auntie Xiomara, uncle Josue, Logan, auntie Rani, auntie Hayley, auntie Cameron, uncle Andre, auntie Vanessa, auntie Adri, uncle Dustin, grandma B, grandpa Ryan, grandma Lisa, and grandma Sean are gonna be here?" Stephen says finishing out of breath. Both Ethan and I laugh. 

"Yeah" I say. 

"Yay!" they exclaim. They then run off and play with their toys. You might be saying that it's been a long time. I know it has. So let's go over what has happened. Kola and Gray had another kid and named her Delilah and she is now 4. We had Felicity and Delilah at the same time. It was pretty funny. Jace is now 13. Oh how time flies. It feels like yesterday I found out about him. Jess and James had a girl 5 years ago. They named her Juliette and she is 5. They got married 3 years ago and they are living here in LA. Xiomara and Josue got married 2 years ago. They had a boy and named him Logan and he is now 2 years old and they also live here in LA. Rani and Hayley are living together in Brooklyn but come down to visit whenever they can. Cameron is currently dating this guy named Brandon. Andre and Vanessa got married a year ago. Adri and Dustin got married last year. So it's been a while. Ethan picks me up bridal style. 

"Remember the first time you picked me up like this?" I ask remembering. 

"Yup, you drunk off you ass at Coachella and I carried you to the car." he says with a chuckle and sets me down on the bar we have. 

"I still can't believe it." I say wrapping my arms around his neck. He kisses me and then kisses my nose. We should start setting up. I nod and he helps me down. He goes and starts cooking while I set up the tables. About 2 hours pass and we hear the doorbell. 

"They're here!" both my kids yell. I walk to the door and open it revealing everyone. 

"Come in!" I say stepping aside. We all say hi and we go to the backyard. Turns out Jess and her family came on time cause they finished early. We sat down and ate and talked about life. 

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