Chapter 22

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Pauline sent a message to Will, and Gilan, as she was asked, then she spent all day with Halt. There was nothing Pauline wanted more then for Halt to wake up. She sat next to Halt, for what seemed like hours. Halt didn't look any better then he did when they first found him. Pauline felt some tears start to fall, not for the first time. Pauline felt so helpless, all she could do was sit hear with Halt and cry. James stayed for the most part, but he had things he had to do. Pauline took all day off, she wasn't going to leave Halts side until he got better. She had not heard any word from Crawly and the others, but they hoped they would catch whoever did his to Halt. It wasn't ten minuets latter, that they heard rushed footsteps coming from down the hall towards them. A moment latter the door burst open and Will and Gilan came in. Both of them froze when they saw Halt, Pauline could see the tears in their eyes. Both of them walked over to the bed.

"Is-is he going to be ok?" Gilan asked.

"We don't know." Pauline said as she held Halts hand in hers. Will and Gilan stood there in silence for a moment before Will spoke.

"Were is Crawly, and the others?" Will asked James answered that one, as he saw fresh tears flooding Paulin's eyes.

"They went to Halts cabin to see if they could figure out who did this to Halt." Will and Gilan abruptly looked at him.

"We should go help them." Gilan said to Will, and Will nodded. Both Gilan and Will looked back at Halt one more time, then they left to go help find whoever did this to Halt. Pauline just sat there next to Halt and hoped he would wake up.

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