The took his articles and walked into the house and set them down. An excited Russel came down the stairs to greet their new band member. Russel wasn't usually in this type of mood so Noodle gave him a funny look, while clinging onto Ace's arm. 

"What?" Russel said.

"Nothing" replied Noodle.

Russel held out his hand towards Ace. "Hey man. Howr'ya?"

"Oh hey, ya must be Russel, Nu has told me a lot of things about you." the new bassist stated.

"Sure. Let's get a drink in the livin' room. We can talk about the new album."

"Okay. Hey where is 2d?" Ace questioned. The only reason Ace asked that was because he always admired Gorillaz, but most importantly, he always admired the front man. He thought he was a real inspiration. His blue hair was unique, in a good way. He always dreamed of meeting him in person. His dream was finally coming true.

"Oh he's in his room." Noodle stated blankly. "You can go see him if you want , but he's not going to talk much."

"Okay. Thanks Nu." 

The green man started climbing up the stairs of Spirit House. He made his way down the corridors, to meet the singer. He found the blue door that had a sign that said "Dents" on it. He immediately knew it was his role models room. He knocked. No answer. He knocked again, still nothing. He then decided to just open the door.

"Stuart?" He said while gently opening the door. He entered the room. The room was dark due to the closed curtains and it was mildly cold. It was fairly messy with a few t-shirts here and there. It was nicely decorated with potted plants and some framed pictures. In the corner of the room, he had a few instruments like, his keyboard, melodica and a guitar that had a little over 16 stickers on it. His closet was overflowing with clothes though. He noticed that on the ceiling was a dart board with the former bassists picture, while smirking. 

"Stu?" Ace called out. "Ya in here?" Then he noticed the singers azure blue hair on the edge of the bed. "2d? You okay?" 

"Please. Go away." The bluenette sighed.

"Oh. Okay. Sorry to invade your privacy, I just wanted to say hello. Feel better soon."

Ace walked out of the dark room and closed the door, angry at himself for making a bad first impression. Shaking his head, he forgot about it and skipped down the stairs into the living room. There sat Russel and Noodle with Katsu (Noodle's cat) in her arms. He noticed that his boxes of items were neatly stacked in the corner where the bookshelf was situated. The green man threw himself into the couch while Russel threw a cherry soda at him. 

"Thanks Russ." He stated with a chuckle. The sound of the cherry soda can opening filled the whole room.

"So, I went to say hello to 2d earlier." Ace started. "But well, he told me to get out. I'm kinda worried he doesn't like me."

Russel and Noodle gave each other worried looks for a while. Russel opened his mouth but couldn't get any words out. They both knew what was going on. What 2d was feeling.

"Ace, 2d doesn't hate you. You see he's just having one of Those Days. Days where he would just lie in bed feeling upset, or tired and sometimes he cries. You can't really talk to him during those days because it makes him feel worse, so the best you can do is to just leave him alone for a bit. But he doesn't hate you Ace. I'm pretty sure you guys are going to be really good friends!" Noodle assured, winking.

"Yeah, I suppose."

They stayed in the living room for the rest of the evening talking about the new album and previous albums, new friends, old friends basically everything. It was nice to just talk between band members. If only 2d was there. 

It was around 7pm when Ace got up and carried his boxes to his new room, which he noticed as right next to 2d's. The room itself wasn't bad. It was nicely lit and painted, but he noticed a few pentagrams on the wall and just decided to cover those with posters later. He started unpacking. He made his bed, and put all his clothes into the closet. he hung a few photos and posters around to cover up the pentagrams. Next he placed all of his accessories, such as his glasses, bracelets, hair ties, hats, and playing cards onto the vanity. He opened the drawers and placed all of his hair products and face masks into it. Even though Ace might have looked like a filthy greaser in his past he's always had a soft spot for skincare. After making his new room feel more like home, he threw himself on his bed and checked his phone.

_ _

The bluenette decided it was time, he got out of his bed, and went to his messy closet to change his clothes. He put on a plain white shirt and some black skinny high waisted skinny jeans. He tucked his shirt in put on his belt and went to the bathroom to take his pills. it was roughly 8:30 pm. Once in the bathroom he straightened his hair and took his pills. His eyes were still black with dark circles around them. Once out of the bathroom he made his way downstairs and into the kitchen, where he found Russel and Noodle siting down drinking tea and talking.

"'Ello guys" He greeted with a smile. "Wot'ya talkin' 'bout?"

"Hey Toochie! Oh we were just discussing the importance of chocolate milk, nothing too special." She said while standing up to hug him. "Feel better?"

"Yeh, I think. Anyways is there any peppermint tea left?"

"Yeah D, check in the upper cabinet where we keep the coffee"

"Thanks Russ." He said while dragging his lanky body around to get the tea. He got out the kettle to boil the water. He watched it as it was boiling. You could see that the bluenette was drifting off. He didn't even notice the new bassist slide into the kitchen to take a seat next to the drummer and the guitarist. As the water was steaming and boiling really hard, Ace was tapping 2d's shoulder, waking him up from his trance. 

"Hey buddy, you okay there?" Ace asked.

The bluenette stared at him with a gloomy face. He had the same green skin as Murdoc, the same jet black hair and some slightly pink eyes. Yet, he seemed so... welcoming. His style was different than Murdoc's too. The former bassists would usually wear dirty black t-shirts and sweaters and black pants. But there as this summery vibe about Ace. And he smelt pretty nice too. Maybe he wasn't as bad as he thought he would be.

"Stuart? Ya in there?" He repeated.

"O-Oh Sorreh I didn't mean to... Mur- err, Ace!" He exclaimed with a gentle awkward smile "Sorreh about earli'a, I was feelin' kinda gloomy. Anyways, meh names Stuart. Stuart Tusspot. But you c'n call me 2d."

"Nice to finally meet ya 2d. The names Ace, Ace Copular. Well you already know that, obviously but don't worry about earlier, you were having a bad day and that okay!" He stated with a sing songy tune.

The bluenette laughed and motioned for him to sit down at the table. The four talked about the new album for a bit deciding that they should work on a song tomorrow afternoon when everyone was free, and talked about stupid things like 2d's super high waisted mom jeans and love for orange juice. Nights like this were night well spent. Together, between friends. At around 11 pm everyone went to bed and drifted off to sleep. Except Ace who was lying there on his bed thinking about everything that was waiting for him in the future.

"I can't wait" were the last words said that night.


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