IZTIRAAR (restless)

19 2 0

As the days went by my interest and hunt for opportunities both escalated. I started stalking him on social media but Mr. Rehman barely had any social activity. Well, I wasn't much amazed by that though.
Our college hosts a couple of religious ceremonies each year and that year, I remember, the responsibility of the event was bestowed upon our batch.
I remember working and scheduling tasks everyday until late night and then getting back to it early in the morning. There would be instances where one day would close to the dawn of the other day and in those wee hours of the day I'd sneak out of my room and go to the balcony to encounter the heavenly paraphernalia of nature. The soft, cool breeze caressing my face, rhythmic chirping of birds, cobalt colour the sky, the fading presence of the moon and the soft sound of Azaan being read in a distant mosque, all of which made this part of the day, for me, a heavenly experience. I have always admired this effect of dawn, ever since my schooldays. Although now this essence of dawn is further attributed by the presence of a guy, quietly offering namaaz, sitting on his janamaaz, on the second floor. With the innocence, the earnestness on his face and the smile after completing his prayer, Mr. Rehman was an absolutely serene watch. This intensity of the view to soothe my veins could be well appreciated by the fact that although I didn't have much time to sleep, the sleep period was qualitatively appreciable.
Gradually the day of the event closed in and the preparations were more towards the final touches.
On the first day of the event, I was sitting on the event spot and checking out the decorations, when I suddenly heard a voice call me out.
"Myrah, right?"
I looked back to see my serene observation right in front of me.
"Yes sir", I replied with a hesitant smile on my face.
"Those decorations up there are crooked, if you failed to notice", he said on a concerned note.
"Umm..I anyway can't do anything about it sir, it's beyond my reach", I sighed letting out a short smirk.
He smiled back at me and eventually pulled the metallic twin step ladder and climbed up to arrange the crooked decorations back in form. I kept staring at him with a smile, that I don't know when, had managed to appear on my face.
"That smile suits your face though", he commented with a soft 'know it all' smile on his face.
That comment was embarrassing, alarming and alluring, all at the same time. I felt like a thief, whose theft had been caught red handed. I gave a shy smile of embarrassment and lowered my head.
"It's done. Need anymore help?"
By this time I was filled with a feeling of utmost disgust of my own self.
I nodded in negative and thanked him with a formal smile.
This feeling of sudden alarm created a wave of restlessness inside me. My brain and heart started conflicts that were beyond my control. I started getting anxious with every thought of seeing him, that day.
Anyway, the thoughts vanished in the busyness of the day and I started getting ready for the functions.
I remember wearing an off white georgette saree with red aanchal clubbed with brass dangling jhumkis lined with small pearls and a big red drop hanging down from the centre.
I was sitting and enjoying an interesting conversation with a friend of mine when Mr. Rehman appeared.
Clad in a blue cotton kurta with embroidered neckline, he seemed no less than a Bollywood superstar. He sat diagonal to where we sat and I would be lying if I said I did not stalk him like a crazy Juliet 😂
Just as we were leaving to have lunch,
I bumped into Rehman sir, who had managed to appear from no where 😒.
I immediately apologised and pulled away from there.
My friend, well aware of my feelings for Rehman sir, laughed at this awkward situation and all I could do was blush.
However, I had my lunch and was heading back to my room when I received a call from my batchmate asking me to come back to the college premise to check on a couple of things.
On my way, I happened to see Mr. Rehman heading towards me. I lowered my eyes and started heading straight.
"Myrah", he called out. His voice sounding tensed.
I looked up and answered, "yes sir?".
"Hearing a lot about you these days", he said with a smirk. I had never been so restless ever in my life. I didn't know how to react or what to ask. I had this intuition that he kind of knew about my attraction towards him, but was not yet ready to face the allegations as of now.
I looked at him confused. Fear, embarrassment, excitement, all flushing my face at the same time.
"Why, what's the matter sir?", and my heart skipped a beat.

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