Harry's Tour

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Note: Most of this story is all in flashback.

Bio: Shailene's life couldn't be more perfect!... She had the perfect husband, a beautiful daughter, a nice house. I mean, c'mon! Her husband was Harry Styes for crying out loud!! He belonged to the biggest boyband in the world and he was all hers! And Shailene still wonders out of the millions of girls Harry could've had, why he would choose her of all people. And Shailene and Harry couldn't have been more happier,... but sometimes even the most perfect relationship could turn into TRAGEDY.


(Chapter 1)

I was just about to finally relax and close my eyes when I heard Darcy crying hysterically from her room. I sighed, got up, and went to see what my baby girl was crying about.

I walked in the room and found her sitting in bed not crying, but cracking up at the animal sounds her daddy was making.

'My how she has grown', I thought to myself standing against the doorway just watching the two of them. Could it really have been three years ago when we first brought our baby girl home from the hospital! She was so beautiful with her little smile that lights up the whole room, her gorgeous green eyes, and that 'to die for' curly brown hair.

She looks just like her father...

I was staring at the two of them for a couple of minutes when Harry locks his amazingly green eyes on mine.

"Hey baby, come on in. I was just reading Darcy a bedtime story before I get going."

He would be going around the world with the boys for four months!!... Doing their fifth successful world tour. I don't know how I was gonna be able to take four months without him snuggling by me everynight and waking up to those perfect green eyes every morning. Although I did somehow manage it everytime he did leave.

But this time, Darcy is now old enough to know when her daddy is missing and that's what worries me the most... She's going to miss him so much! They get along so well. I try to put all that behind me and I go and sit on the bed with my husband and daughter.

"What are you guys reading?" I said while playing with Darcy's curly hair. "I was just reading her your favorite book, Shai".

My real name is Shailene but Harry is the only one that ever calls me Shai. It's like a special thing between the two of us because that's what I said my name was when we first met. I was so nervous that all I could get out was 'Shai...'. After he found out it was Shailene, he asked if he could call me Shai because it was a reminder of how he first met me.

I looked at the book; it was so old and some of the pages were falling out, but I could tell Darcy was enjoying it.

"Look it mommy"! Darcy said, 'Look at the kitty'! She seemed so intrigued by the pictures. "Wow baby! Did you know that was mommys favorite book when I was your age?", I said. She got a big smile on her face and then returned looking at the pictures.

Harry then looked at me and I could tell on his face that it was ready for goodbyes. Oh how it hurt him to leave us, but we both knew this is what it would take to be together and we never regretted it for one second.

So I said goodnight to Darcy and kissed her on the cheek, and I left the room so Harry could say his goodbyes to his little girl.

*End of Chapter 1*

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