Chapter 1

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Goodbyes are hard.

I can't comprehend the kind of strength Margot would have to have to be able to move away from everything she knew so easily. Moving to North Carolina is one thing, but to move across the world to Scotland? That's something else.

I looked toward the window where the natural light was floating in. It's funny how something so small like a window can make your heart stop. So many memories of mine and Peter's relationship have been through that window. Even though he wasn't allowed to stay over, some of our most intimate moments occurred after he appeared there late at night. Nobody knew he was inside, with me, and the thrill of being rebellious towards my fathers' household rules made it seem all that little bit better.

The blue walls of my bedroom suddenly seemed out of place once most of my photos and décor had been taken down. Maybe it was symbolic of me growing up, but I would never change it as I still remember when me and mommy picked the colour when we just moved in. I had always wanted to paint my room whatever colour I wanted, unlike Margot who settled on white, as it was classic and you could change the décor in the room to fit any theme you like. I thought it was too plain Jane.

Little rainbows lined the walls from the light-catcher crystal pendant I bought from Korea. We have only been home for four days, Margot is already back in Scotland and I am honestly relieved to be home. Korea was amazing. It was refreshing to finally learn about so much more about our culture than through my grandma's stories she would tell us as we grew up.
Seoul was definitely my favourite place to visit, it just instantly felt like home. I never thought myself to be much of a city girl, but there I was, in my element. All the Korean girls dressed in a fashion that was so similar, yet so different to mine. I couldn't help but find myself desiring to be just like them. Maybe it was the fact that they looked like me, or I looked like them, that made it all so special.

Daddy and Peter were shocked when we arrived home, my style had changed so much. I picked up a bunch of new Korean makeup and skincare, but also a whole extra suitcase of new clothes that were totally different from my usual "safe" Lara Jean style. I even got some black pieces, which completely shocked Margot, as she'd been telling me how good black would look on me for years; I never listened.

Peter was reluctant to my new style at first, and honestly I think it was because I hadn't changed anything about myself for the whole duration of our relationship.

Trina knocked on my door lightly before sticking her head in the door. I snapped my eyes away from the light in the window and looked toward her. "Honey, Peter is here," she spoke in a soft voice. Like I was a piece of glass and if she spoke too loudly I'd break.

"Okay, coming," I replied, my heart race increasing. As excited as I am for college, I'm not ready to say goodbye to Peter. Even though we have three days together before I leave.

I walk out into the hallway, and see the daddy and Trina's wedding picture on the mantle, placed next to daddy and mommy's. I'm glad daddy married a woman who was accepting that she wasn't the only woman in daddy's life and respected her. That is probably my favourite thing about Trina. She mightn't like Korean food, but at least she tries to involve herself in our culture.

I stare at the hard wood stairs as I walk down them, knowing Peter's standing at the bottom waiting for me. I don't make eye contact because I know once I make eye contact with him, my heart will melt. We meet and the bottom. He looks at me with reassuring eyes, how he usually does when I'm upset, I smile at him.

"Hi," I whisper as he pulls me into his torso. I hold on that little bit longer than a normal hug, to reassure him that I'm still here. He smiles down at me and it makes my heart wrench a little bit more.

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