He doesn't say another word as class starts. Welp, this is going to be a long period...


First and second period flash on by with a blink of an eye. I always dislike that we have a 10 minute break period between first and second, I just don't get it. Why can't we just get as many of our classes over with as soon as possible. I may be a good student but it's hard to enjoy school when there is so many idiots who flood this place.

I look down at my phone screen as per usual, as I cross the front lawn to find my friends at our usual spot under a big Oak tree. I can feel eyes on me, as I walk, but I ignore it, and see Brandon and Megan talking among themselves.

"Heyo my luv bugs." I say sitting down next to Megan. Luv bugs has been something i've been calling them since 4th grade. I was absolutely obsessed with lady bugs, so I decidded to call my friends luv bugs. Thinking about it now, there really isnt a connection to the both, but it's a cute name to call your friends.

"Are you ever going to stop calling us that?" Brandon questioned taking a bite out of his bagel. I stick my tongue out at him. I never understood why he ate his bagels the way he does. He will take apart the bagel, and of course spread the cream cheese, but unlike a normal person who eats their bagels in two pieces. He will place the bagel back together and eat it as a sandwihch.

"When you eat your bagel like a human being." I say smirking.

"Touche." he says shrugging while nodding; Taking another bite of his bagel, making sure he takes a big bite while looking at me. I may love him as a brother, but he does know how to gross me out.

Break seems to just fly on by, as the school bell rings again. I look at Megan who's been quiet the whole time, which is not like her. Megan is shy when you first meet her, but when you finally get to know her, she's so social it's insane! She'll talk your ear off trust me!!!

"You okay bubbly?" I ask rubbing her shoulder while we walk to our next class together.

She nods while looking at him. Brandon says his goodbyes before entering the science building. A tear rolls down her cheek. Megan's head hangs low, her brown hair hanging in her face. I give her a puzzle look. I gently rub her arm up and down, trying my best to reassure her that everything is okay.

"D-do you ever wonder why you're a fuck up?" she questioned choking on her words softly.

I look at her taken back at her sudden confession. What do I really say to that? As long as i've known Megan, she's never been like this.


"Rose i'm pregnant... I just haven't told Brandon that I am..." She says looking at me.

My heart stops... It explains the mood swings, especially since she was all giggly this morning.

"A-are you sure?" I stutter questioning her.

"Why would I make this type of shit up?" she asked defensive. Sadness in her voice. I can see the hurt in her eyes. My face of shock falling.

"No, oh my god. Megan, no bubs. I just, wow, um," I say looking around,"How long have you known?"

"About a week now..." She said sighing,"but i never told any of you, especially Brandon. He'll leave me for-sure." She says sounded defeated.

"Hey, no he won't. You and Brandon have been best friends since Kindergarten, and a couple since Freshman year. Why would he leave you? Theres too much time invested." I said.

"But it's not like we're seniors... we're juniors for god sake. I just... just keep this between us please?" she says looking at me. As i'm about to give my promise she runs off to class as the late bell rings.

I sigh knowing i'll get detention for sure... but that's not even the most important thing in my life right now. I start to walk towards my History class. My train of thought off the rails as so many things run crazy inside my head.

I sneak into class, even though it's no use.

"Rose." Ms. Holt says sternly. My head hung low,"It's so nice for you to finally join us. Take your seat, please." She says before turning back to the class.

"Yes ma'am..." It softly coming out of my mouth as I take my seat in front of the class. My head is spinning as the new information of one of my best friends being pregnant by one of my other best friends.

I pull up the sleeve of my over sized nike sweater as I space out looking at the white board. What seemed like hours have gone by, there was a slam of a ruler on the top of my desk, making me squirm in my seat. I look up, the class looking at me annoyed. Ms. Holt's eyes glued on me.

"First you wanted to be late to my class, and secondly you're dosing off. Did you hear anything I was just talking about?" She asked. She was pissed.


"Of course you didn't. But since you couldn't dare to bother that we're doing a joint project. I guess i'll just choose your partners," Ms. Holt said, making the class groan and moan. Some saying 'Good to go Lopez.'

"Your partner will be," she said scanning the room,"Kevin, Kevin Ortiz will be your partner."

My eyes shooting open. I look at Ms. Holt in disbelief, as I look at Kevin. Red in his eyes. He looked pissed.

"Ms. Holt this has to be some type of joke right?" I asked laughing awkwardly.

"No mistake. Mr. Ortiz, please take a seat with Rose." She said smirking.

Shit...like this day couldn't get any crazier...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2018 ⏰

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