Chapter 16*

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I could see the panic settle in Almighty's gut. He was going to lose this one.

The crowd seperated around him. The messiah had no more followers.

"Is it true All Might?" That brunette tramp asked stepping closer to her four eyed friend.

"Of course it's not true. Anyone can alter tapes, and forge documents." Almighty shook his head glaring at me.

Tch. That fucking pissed me off.

"I'm the one that killed Endeavor. His blood is on my hands. My brothers is on yours now. I will collect the payment." I narrowed my eyes into slits.

Even if J have to die to get it.

The air around us seemed to thicken with tension. Before any of us could make a move Toga yelped as bandages seemed to wrap around her from nowhere.

Of course he has help. He can't do anything on his own.

As she yelped Almighty used her distraction to throw a punch to the ground creating a crater between him and the crowd. It was just us on the other side of the dust.

"Don't want your fans to see your true colors?" I clicked my teeth lighting a fire on my hands. Blue and black flames reached for the stars above surrounding me in a brilliant halo.

"Let go!" Toga wailed trying to cut through the fabric. She was thrown from her perch in the window with the fabric.

"Catch her!" Shigaraki commanded.

Deku obeyed, and on instinct leapt into the air. Closing his arms around her. The fabric seemed to wrap around him as well.

Dammit. It was a trap.

They began to descened toward the ground. Bakugou growled and cursed aloud as he used his explosions to leap into the air and catch them.

He brought them down, but Aizawa was here and his strange quirk had them almost paralized.

Kurogiri and Shigaraki attacked him together. Leaving Almighty to me.

"You will pay for what you have done to mine." I spat through my teeth.

I felt rage boiling inside of me. I wanted to kill him. For him to feel every wound he inflicted on Deku. For him to feel the pain and anguish Shouto had to bear. For him to feel my wrath.

You will die for them all Almighty.

He charged me using his speed, but I was ready for it and dodged enough to only be clipped by him.

I smirked rising to see him tearing off his suit that was touched by my cremation quirk.

I wiggled my fingers mockingly. He roared as he dove for me again this time his fist leading.

I used my blue flame to put up a wall. The blast was big enough for the buildings around us to shake.

He managed to get through my defense and I was sent flying through one of the lower windows.

Damn that hurt.

I grunted as I rose. On the offensive I hit him with a blast of blue fire but he spun quick enough to extinguish the flames.

He stomped his foot causing the ground to quiver. A crevasse split the ground open leading right toward me.

I dove out of the way as the building began to tilt toward the crack in the earth.

Deku: Villain AU (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن