How it all begin

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I'm Trisha. I'm gonna tell you the story of my life and how I ended up here. On this beach on this rainy day with tears in my eyes. No on my cheeks. Well it all started when I was born for 15 years ago. My mom was poor and my dad left him. I think, atleast thats what I have been told. You see I have never meet my mom, I was adopted by a couple, they have 2 boys too. But they are their reals sons. The older one is 16, 17 soon his name is Jacob. He is the cool kid, the hot one everyone wants to be with. The other one he is 14. His name is Zinka, he is hot too. But he is more of a idc boy. My adopt moms name is Carol and she owns a store. Thats were my childhood was. My adopt dad, he works for some kind of company. He never wants to talk about it so we dont. Enough abouth them. As I said I'm Trisha and I'm lonely as fuck. Why? Beacuase I just got the worst phone call in my life. My bestfriend is in the hospital. She was in a car accident.

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