chapter 10 Forgotten (Conan) part 4

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4 months before

I woke up in the hospital charging station and immediately ran to the front desk " Detective Gavin Reed what happened to him I need you to tell me I'm begging you " I yelled. " it's ok sir the operation went very well he is ok it was amazing he survived the state he was in " the doctor exclaimed "unfortunately he isn't waking up, you can see if you want to " I was lead to his room but it looked like someone else it was. It was Elijah kamski or it was probably Elijah Reed. His eyes were very puffy and and full of tears " I'll leave you two alone" Elijah said "I came as soon as I could oh my fucking god what happened!?" I felt the rage grow in him and I knew I had to tell him what happened so I told him " someone took over my programming and made me shoot him I managed to get out and get him to the hospital " Elijah exclamed " if you came clean I should to " he took a big breath " I was his brother last I saw of him was when I was 13 when he left my mom she had a got a drinking problem and she died, I was adopted by Kamski's I wanted to keep in touch but he disappeared from contacts ...." we both stared at Gavin as he would wake up or swear at us or do anything. But he didn't move he stayed still.
I felt my eyes watering and I saw Elijah cried "I need him to come back he's too young..." he stiffed up and took a deep breath "I guess I need a close place to stay so I can see him " The doctor came in and said that visiting hour was over and we had to leave
Elijah walked away saying " I'll meet you soon Conan " and strolled away

Before Gavin woke up

Pain and hollowness that was the only thing I felt. The entire Precinct was different and it lost life. Fowler had aranged a party when he came back. Tina the detective who was the closest thing he had to a friend she sat alone always leaving a seat next to here that had a cup of coffee next to here. Hank and Connor tried to cheer me up but I just felt pain like nothing matters anymore all I wanted to hear was Gavin's snarky remarks. His smell of coffee and mint. And his soft lips that could turn any bad problem into a good one.

Every day after work I walked all the way to the flower-shop and meet Elijah. We pick Gavin the same flowers ( primroses, buttercups and scorpion grasses they were his favourites as he always had them on his desk ) we than walked to the hospital and went into ward 362 and saw him staying still not moving ,lifeless we replace the old ones and place the new ones. Elijah had gone to get a drink. Just when I felt like giving up a miracle happened. His eyes fluttered awake. I was overwelmed with joy I kissed him but only then, reality came crushing down as he confusingly exclaimed " excuse me who are you "

Anyway that's all I have left all upload every working day don't remember to vote comment and follow boiiiiii : 3

Word count 566

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