The Wind's always there - 23 June 2016, 9:05pm

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You know that feeling you get.
Where your entire body freezes.
You breath hitches, and your hairs on end.
Your throat suddenly dry, with sweat running down your face.
The ground falling apart beneath your feet, time stopping, and you're just standing there.
Your heart shattering into particles, your body hollow.
You wish the wind would take you away.
Away from the world, and into a dream, where life is never bitter, sad and everyone gets a happy ending.
All because of you falling for them... Your best friend.
Just as you're about to call out to them and go home like always, a figure appears with them.
They're kissing, passionately, and seeing your friend so happy crushes you.
The tears run down while the winds blowing on your face, you're shattered, and you run.
You run away, far away, where no one can find you, no one but the wind.
The wind is always there.
Always with you. Taking your cries of heart-ache as it carries your sadness away, it cools you as you cry under the tree.
The tree that your best friend and you made the promise to stick together forever.
The wind takes away your memory of that dreadful sight, where you are ripped from your fairytale and into reality.
Your tears dry up. Hours have past, the sun is gone, the moon is high. And the wind swaying to the waves of the sky. Your sadness is as if it were all just a dream.
It's never noticed, nor seen.
But the wind is there through the pain.
It's always there.
Ready to drift you off to sleep.
To listen to all your secrets, and lock them away.

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