Return to Nanny Clownface

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Jake walked through his neighborhood during the day of Halloween. Something didn't feel right to him. Instead of seeing the usual visions, everything was normal as everyone was taking their younger kids trick or treating before the sun went down. "Why haven't I seen anything?" He asked himself. "I must've controlled it somehow." He went throughout his day with no sign of Nanny Clownface anywhere. Of course, Jake was relieved. However he still couldn't take the medallion off. Actually it was more he didn't want to. He felt that since he had control over the medallion, he would use it to his advantage. He was planning to go back to the amusement park at night and wanted to tell Sam and Kara right away. He went to Sam's house and knocked on the door, no answer. Jake thought this was odd and walked around to Sam's bedroom window and looked inside, wasn't there. "Maybe he's at Kara's." He said to himself. He went to Kara's house, only to discover she wasn't there either. Something wasn't right and Jake started to think different about his sudden luck with the medallion. "Where are they?" He asked himself. Just then Jake's phone when off, there was a notification from his email. Jake went to the email and scrolled around, he didn't really pay attention to it since the one he got after taking the medallion. He went to the one he had just received and opened it. It was an unnamed email address again, but Jake soon knew immediately who sent it. The email read:

Don't bother looking for them, Sam and Kara are with me. They are not the only ones, all the children will feel my wrath. They are my prisoners until fear eats them alive, they will pay for my death.

Jake immediately remembered this wording from Nanny Clownface's story. The letter she gave to those kids' parents. If what Sam and Kara said was true about what she to the children she captures, Jake knew he had to go back to the amusement park. He waited until late at night in case Nanny Clownface got the medallion from him. "As long as she doesn't get it before midnight, it should be fine." He took Sam's car, which still remained in the driveway, and drove to the amusement park. Remembering the week before made him more cautious about the place now. He walked inside with his heart pounding as he looked around. It was dark and quiet, but small lights flickered in the park. Just then a loud crash came from a few feet away, causing Jake to jump and quickly turn. He couldn't tell at first, but soon realized it was Kara running from around a corner. She was wearing a vampire queen costume instead of the witch one, or was Jake's eyes getting tricked in the darkness. "Where's Sam?" He asked, choosing to ignore the costume change. Kara looked behind her in panic and said that Sam was right behind her. "We've gotta go get him." She said. Jake grabbed her arm. "Just get to the car." He said. "I'll find him." Kara nodded and ran off while Jake went in the direction she came from. He then realized that she was running from The Haunted Screamer, the roller coaster where he got the medallion. He kept going and looked around. There was a woman's laugh heard in the distance, as well as another voice, Sam's voice. "Let me go, please!" He shouted. Jake then ran as he heard the scream get louder and louder. He followed the screaming to a room with a wooden door. Jake tried opening it, but the doorknob came right off. He then used all the strength he had to break down the door, and the screaming suddenly stopped. He looked around, the room was empty. "You can save them all." Sam's voice said behind him. Jake turned around and instead of seeing Sam, he saw Nanny Clownface, smiling at him. "But you have to surrender the medallion." She said with her voice transitioning from Sam's to her own. Jake then started backing away. "I told you it's not gonna happen." He said. Nanny Clownface just laughed wickedly. "My dear child, you're really good at playing tough guy aren't you?" She asked with a laugh. Suddenly look became sinister and she suddenly rushed up to him. Jake then jumped backwards and fell on the ground. The medallion began to glow again and Jake heard another Greek wording in his head, repeatedly saying something. "αποσυνδέστε τον δεσμό." He said. Just then the chain holding the medallion vanished, causing the medallion to land in his lap. Jake grabbed the medallion and looked at Nanny Clownface. "You want it?" He asked. "Come and get it." Nanny Clownface charged at him in midair. Jake immediately dodged and swung the medallion, throwing it at a stone wall. Nanny Clownface attempted to grab the medallion but was too late. The medallion shattered as it hit the wall. A glow came from Nanny Clownface as she screamed a scream that sounded like nails on a chalkboard. The glow became brighter until it became a large explosion of energy, sending Jake crashing through a window.

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