"Loki stop. That is not at all what I was getting at. I am fine how I am now. I was trying to tell you that you should be as well." I tell him, but trying not to upset him in the process.
"But I thought—"

"Loki, I am happy the way I am now. Sure sometimes things seem unfair, but I still have a good life as is."

"So you are saying you don't want more appreciation? More praise?"


"Oh alright then— Well then I suppose all is well then." His voice seemed a bit dark as he said the last part. Which scared me a little.
"But what was your idea anyways? How would you make us as loved as Thor anyways?" I ask.
His face softens to a more nervous look. "Oh, nothing really...it was nothing. Just a thought really."

"Uhm. Okay—" I say while studying his face to try and see what he was hiding. But for some reason if felt like he was blocking me out.
"So how does a walk through the gardens sound then?" He asks now back to his usual self. Well usual to me, he is always a bit more kind to me than other people.
"Oh that sounds lovely." I speak, smiling once more.

"Great! Shall we then?" He asks offering his arm for me to take. I take it willingly and allow him to lead me outside.

As we walk outside the warm air hits me like a like a brick wall. But in the good way. I felt it spread along the sparse amount of exposed skin, warming me head to toe.
"It's always so beautiful out here. I don't care what anyone else says." I say with my eyes closed, allowing myself to relax slightly.
"I agree entirely." I hear Loki say. I open my eyes to look at him when I catch him looking at me.
Immediately after he looks away and starts looking at the scenery around him.
I feel a heat rising in my cheeks, I raise my free hand and desperately try to cover it up.
"It always amazes me how beautiful nature can be, simply on its own." I say breaking the silence I had created.
He says nothing. He just nods silently, his mouth a straight line.
I look away from him and back towards the gardens. I see a tree on a hill. I nudge him and nod my head towards the tree.
    He understands my gesture and starts towards the tree as I had suggested.
     Once we reach it I lean up against the tree and allow myself to slide down it into the ground, propping myself up against it. Loki follows in a less childish way.
    I gaze out at the natural beauty around me, it always seems to beautiful to be real.
   "But how does one decide if something is too beautiful to be real?" Loki asks from beside me, making me jump slightly.
    "You know I hate it when you read my mind like that, I don't need you up there seeing all my secrets." I point at my head.
    "Sorry, you were just not saying anything."

    "You were the one not saying anything first!"  I throw back.

    "And now we are bickering like children." He starts to laugh. I stick out my bottom lip in a pouting expression.

"Kay well. Whatever."

   He looks back out at the greenery with an expression that I cannot quite read.
    "So uh, why exactly did you ask for my company today?"  I ask, hoping maybe this time he will actually talk to me.
    "Like I said, I just wanted you to be here with me." He states plainly.

    "I know that's not true, you haven't spent time with me just because you wanted to for years, there's always a reason." I tell him. He looks at his hands uncomfortably.
    I can see there's something bugging him but I can't seem to figure out what. If only I could get him to open up to me, which is something he's never been good at.
    "Loki, look at me." I place my hand on his cheek and adjust his face so that he can look me in the eyes. "You can talk to me. I am here for you, I always have been, and I always will be."
    He reaches up and takes mine in his own. Bringing it down so that he can hold it in both of his.
   "Like I said before, I am fine. I just missed— this—" He says gesturing between us.
    I so badly want to believe that nothing is wrong. But I see right through his act. Although I know there's really no way to get him to tell me.
   "Very well. But if you are wrong then I will make you regret ever lying to me!" I warn him.

Broken Pieces  (Loki Laufeyson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now