Epilogue - 20 Years Later

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So you say I'm complicated
But you've had me underrated

What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being
What's wrong with being confident?
What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being
What's wrong with being confident?
What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being
What's wrong with being confident?
What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being
What's wrong with being confident?"

While the song was playing, Holly was bopping around, dancing crazily like Grace when she was her age. Exactly how the saying goes, like mother like daughter.

Ding Dong. The doorbell had rung.

After she put back the CDs in their original position, she finally answers the door. A pair of olive green eyes stare down at Holly. As she took school online, she had never seen a ginger so dashing before. The freckled stranger was holding a box, with a bow on it and all.

"Um.. My mom wanted you to have this, it's a welcome gift. You just moved in so.. yeah." Although the boy did not show signs of nervousness, he was mentally breaking down.

"Thank you." Holly smiled, she had finally got to know someone, instead of all her online friends.

"What's your name?" The boy asked.

"Holly. And your's?"

"Johnny. But you can call me John. I don't exactly like my name." Holly giggled.

"May I ask you something?" She questioned.

"Yeah sure."

"You could've just sent the gift through The Express.. You didn't have to personally give it to me. Why did you come?"

"I.. Honestly.. I saw your profile picture and thought you were cute,"Johnny admitted, with blushing pink cheeks.

"Well, I think you're cute too!" Holly grinned, sending butterflies to John's stomach.

"Thank you once again.. For this present, I think I'll love it," she broke the silence around them. When John passed the wrapped up box, he noticed her bandaged hands.

"Wh- What's wrong? Why are you hands all covered up in gauze?" He genuinely was concerned.

"Ah.. It's nothing. I practice too much," she mumbled, realising what she just said. "What did I say? I mean, um.. I just grazed my hands.."

"Holly, everyone knows your mum. Everyone knows you train hard, at least that's what my dad says," he tells her, shrugging.

"Yeah, it's sort of 'My Passion'."

At this moment, John's phone buzzed. On the screen it had a text message from his mum. He panicked, knowing he had already spend too much time at Holly's.

"I've gotta go, I really need to go. I'll catch up with you soon!"

"Wait! What's your screen name on Nozzlr?" She asked for his social media account.

"It's uh, JohnnyPayne01!" And just like that he ran off. This left Holly disappointed, she wanted to tell him her screen name. If only if time stood still.

She slowly closed the door behind her, and looked forward to something more positive, the present John gave her. Delicately peeling the gift wrap off, she discovered a box that had to be opened.

So, she unraveled the mystery and to her surprise, it was a vintage musical box! She squeaked with excitement, noticing there was something for her twist.

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