~ What have I gotten into? ~

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Sorry for late publishing!
* The mansion of the lord pulled into view, looming over the tree tops of the surrounding forest. Plenty of time had passed of the bland trip to the mansion, about noon it seemed. At least that's what my watch said, Quite late. I yawned walking up to the front gate where a button buzzer was set.
   * After pushing said button, a man, presumably the lord, walked up to the gate with a concerned look on his face.
   "Are you the one Entra sent?" He questioned the concerned face glancing around suspiciously.
   " Yes, You can call me Casey."
I yawned back.
"Ah, yes well come on in Mis...ter..errrrrh." He began to trail off awkwardly before he stopped assuming genders and led me inside.
* The Double front doors had bronze knockers on the outside shaped like Marto lions, not to be confused with old world lions with manes. These lions had long fangs popular in black marketing for their fire proofing traits.
* The main lobby had no stereotypical stairway, but a pair of hall ways and several doors. A woman with short orange red hair stood before us likely the lords wife Entra had described seeming love struck. There was a table with a plant, mirror, table lamp, and a house phone on it in the corner, something to note if I had to make any calls.
"Hello there." The woman said politely, her husband glancing outside before retreating back indoors.
"Erm, hello." I awkwardly waved back.
"I am kulau, the his lordships lucky wife." She boasted happily.
"I'm Casey." I introduced my self again.
"You must be tired after such a long journey from the nearest town!" Kulau asked as the lord crept away somewhere.
"Er, no, I can start the request now." Lying wasn't exactly your strong suite. It really showed when I yawned right after the previous sentence.
*she smiled at me with a look that made me feel quite uncomfortable. "Oh honey, there's no problem if you need a time to rest! The lord will be busy today anyhow, he has not expected you so soon after Entra's visit that goofy man."
*after some consolation I was given a guest room to use while I was staying. Although I was more interested in the reason Entra had sent me, sadly he had given me NO explanation or information. How irritating.
*after throwing my two bags on the floor beside a large wooden wardrobe I flopped onto the bed soon falling prey to my own drowsiness.

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