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I just wanna say that this WILL be slightly boring it is a filler but all the drama starts in the next chapter and will be good. And also I know that my time for a road trip like this is not nearly as accurate as it could be but hey let's pretend people can drive across the country in only 15 hours and thank you and vote and comment and all that jazz okay you can read now.

It was now only the day before camp training. Because I lived half way across the country from the camp and we only had a weeks worth of training and then 1 week off before we had to go back again for the actual camp Mr. Higgins let's people stay. We had packed the car full of stuff I had to check my list now.


Guitar(for bonfires)-check

Board games-check

I was going to be driving from California all the way to Tennessee and had to make a stop in New Mexico to pick up one of my camp buddies Ashton, who was also going to be a counselor this year which was going to be exciting. My family helped bring everything to my car and pack it good enough to also fit Ashton's stuff. We made it inside and not even five minutes later my favorite pizza got here. It was nice and warm and I had enough to put me asleep but I couldn't I had to stay awake to drive. My mom packed the extra pizza in a lunchbox and put it in the cooler with all my other snacks. While my little brother Kyle he was fifteen complained that he wasn't going to get any pizza of his own. I just rolled my eyes at him and walked away.

"Alright honey you have everything right? Phone, chargers everything?"

"Yes mother it's not like I'm gonna lose anything the day the actual camp starts they confiscate all electronics anyway"

"What about ashlins address or whatever his name is"

"Ashton dad and yes I have his address already programmed into my gps I will be fine don't worry I'm a big girl now okay" I said sarcastically

Everyone hugged me except for Kyle he just kind of shrugged and gave me a fist bump. Because he is 'way to cool to hug his sister' and I got into my car and drove off.

It was only four o'clock so it would still be light by the time I got to Ashton's. I had not even been in the car for five minutes when my mom called. The phone connected to the speakers in my car and my mom spoke.

"Yes mother dearest?"

"You forgot a toothbrush yours is sitting on the bathroom counter"

"I know I did that on purpose I plan on not brushing my teeth all summer." I said sarcastically

"Ha ah funny do you wanna turn around or what are you going to do?"

"I'll call Ashton and have him stop that way we don't have to cut into driving time."

"Okay honey please be safe and don't do anything stupid and be safe"

"Okay mom I will" and she hung up.

Nothing worse than an over protective mother.

I turned on some jams and made my way to Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Before I knew it I was already to the California Arizona border, and only had 2 more hours until I was going to be at Ashton's but I knew it was going to be the longest 2hours of my life.

The music continued and the sun was just starting to really set at about 8 o'clock I had killed another hour by listening to a book on tape which seemed silly because I hated listening to books but it killed time so I listened to 'the help'

By now it was 9:30 and I had reached Ashton's street and called him.

The phone rang.


"Hey I'm pulling down your street you said it was the..."

"Third on the right"

"Alright I am pulling in get your ass out here so I can hug you then make you drive so I can nap."

We hung up and I pulled in his driveway I got out of the car and ran to him and hugged the living crap out of him I was so excited to see ash.

"Hey I'm so glad you came to pick me up come inside!"

We both made our way up to the front door and he let me in.

Ashton's house was huge on the inside it had really high ceilings and nice wood floors and leather furniture. It was nice.

I noticed some of his family sitting in the main room and I waved and ash introduced me.

"Mum,dad this is skyler!" I waved and smiled.

"We are going to go get my stuff we will be right back."

Ashton led me to his bedroom and opened the door. The inside was blue and was covered In band posters like green day, all time low, and blink 182. Luke had 2 bags and his sit drum that he was bringing. We grabbed his stuff and brought it out to the car, the n came back in to say goodbye to his family. It was really awkward seeing as we just met and also because Ashton's mum was crying. We both got in the car and drove to the nearest gas station to fill up.

"So how has you non-camp life been?"

"Boring how about you?"


I started off driving and after a while I started to yawn quite profusely and By now it was 1 o'clock and it was dark out. Ashton offered to drive and I let him only because of how tired I was.

"Just let me know when you get tired."

I reclined my seat and shut my eyes. Before I knew it I was fast asleep.

I had awoken to the light shining in my eyes and I looked up at the clock and it read 7:30.

"Ash I told you to wake me up if you got tired."

"I'm not tired" ash said yawning

"Pull over at the next exit we will get something to eat and then I will drive"

I cannot believe him and I felt bad. Now we were in Arkansas just outside of Tennessee and camp was only about another 3 hour drive away so I just drove the rest of the way and Ashton fell asleep and I'm glad he did because he was exhausted.

The time went by and eventually we made it to the town camp was in I woke Ashton and we got out and signed in and got room assignments. Before going to unpack we made our way to the mess hall and tried to find out group. Is potted them first and ran to them.

Bella had her back turned to me and I jumped on her scaring the crap out of he fit was hilarious. She turned around hugging me and then Ashton and everyone exchanged hugs. Mikey and Calum were so excited to see us and I couldn't believe we would all be staying the extra time and would have extra time to spend with each other. I was looking around to see who else had gotten here and felt someone staring at me I turned to look and it was Luke with a smirk on his face.

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