"We need to move in on Klaue." Okoye said. 

T'Challa denied her request. "Stand down, we can't afford a shootout."

"It's now or never." Okoye insisted a little louder as she walked for the stairs. 

"Stand down!" Ava whispered anxiously in Xhosa, opening her eyes to watch. She realized her mistake as soon as a man nearby snapped his head toward her, taking a step toward her. She gasped softly and backed up as the man came at her, and she prepared for a fight. 

The man lunged at her, attempting to attack, but Ava ducked and shoved him off the balcony onto the lower floor, screams erupting from the crowd below. "Wakandans are here!" One of Klaue's men yelled over the screams as a fight broke out between the four Wakandans and the numerous armed men. They brought out their pistols and began to fire, and Ava ducked for cover. 

Okoye ripped off her wig and fought off two men while T'Challa did his best to get to the American agent, ducking behind tables to avoid any bullets coming his way. 

When Ava saw a chance to move from her cover, she kicked off her heels and ran toward Okoye, ducking under one man's fist aimed for her head and ramming her elbow into his ribs as hard as she could along the way. She needed to help clear the exit. Chaos erupted through the whole room as they fought off Klaue's minions and T'Challa chased after Klaue himself. 

"He's getting away!" Ava shouted, spotting Klaue escaping from T'Challa just as Nakia joined her and Okoye, taking out the last of the men in their way. "Let's go!" She said, running for the exit.

Nakia and Okoye followed, kicking off their heels as they followed. "Do we just leave him?" Nakia asked, looking back to the shop as they got outside, remembering T'Challa was still inside. 

"He will catch up!" Okoye said, racing for the car they had driven over in. She leapt into the passenger seat as Nakia took the driver seat, and Ava slid into the back of the car, passing Okoye her spear from the back seat as Nakia took off driving, following the large, black trucks that Klaue and his men sped through the streets in.

Sure enough, T'Challa was right behind, dressed in his new suit as he crouched on top of a car, Shuri driving it from her lab using the remote controlled Kimoyo beads. The two black vehicles ahead split up, taking two different roads. "They're trying to lose us!" Nakia said through the communication device, "I'll take the right!" She said, turning the wheel as Shuri took T'Challa to the left.

Ava watched out the front windshield of the car as a man from the truck in front leaned out of the vehicle, firing at their car with his pistol, the bullets bouncing off like rubber. That was a nice perk of having a vibranium car. Ava smirked in amusement at his efforts as Nakia drove, and Okoye sighed, shaking her head. "Guns." She muttered, "So primitive."

Ava arched her brow, glancing at Okoye who clutched her vibranium spear. Okoye casually rolled down her window, not saying a word. "What are you doing?" Nakia asked. 

"Just drive." Okoye said, climbing out of her window and onto the top of the speeding car. Ava scoffed and climbed into the passenger seat, smirking. Bullets continued to rain down on the car, and suddenly Okoye's spear launched in front of the truck ahead, sticking into the ground, making the truck crash into it. Ava smirked with pride at the skill of her friend as they drove past the wrecked truck, now focused on the truck carrying Klaue. 

Nakia floored it, the car bouncing over a short hill on the road as they tried to catch up to him. Suddenly, Klaue was leaning out of the window of his truck, looking back at them with a wide grin. What looked like his hand split in half, glowing blue. A hand canon made with vibranium. Before they could react, he fired at them, the shock waved shattering the car around them. 

Ava let out a scream, clutching her seat as bits of the car flew past her and Nakia, unsure of how they got so lucky to be completely unharmed as their seats slid down the asphalt of the road ungracefully. Okoye, whom had been on top of the car still, easily did a flip in the air, grabbing her spear and landing on her feet beside where Ava and Nakia had skid to a stop, their eyes wide in shock. 

Ava's heart pounded in her ears loudly, her breathing heavy as she tried to comprehend what had just happened. All the while, Klaue was getting away from them, but T'Challa was tracking him down. 

A small silver car rolled up in front of them with the window down, screeching to a stop. It was the CIA man. "Hop in." He said, waving them over. Okoye shared a glance with Ava and Nakia before approaching the car. Ava got up on shaking legs, taking a trembling breath, same as Nakia, and followed Okoye, piling into the car with him. 

His hair was gray, and his skin pale and wrinkled with experience, but he seemed nice enough. "Going after Klaue?" Ava asked as she got into the back with Nakia, Okoye taking the passenger seat. 

"Yeah." He said as he began to quickly drive. "I'm Agent Everett Ross."

"Ava. This is Okoye and Nakia. We are with T'Challa." She said.

Ross nodded, weaving in and out of traffic. "I assumed so." He said, and the car fell awkwardly silent as he drove, searching for Klaue. Within just a few minutes, he skid to a stop in  an intersection where a crowd of civilians stood, filming with their phones as T'Challa held Klaue pinned against a wrecked car, panther claws ready to end his life.

"No! Not here!" Okoye shouted in Xhosa, the three of us spilling from the car and running toward him. T'Challa froze and glanced back at us as Everett leaned out the window. 

"Put him in the trunk, let's go. There's too many civillians here." He said in a warning. T'Challa looked around, and gave a nod. In less than a minute, Klaue was tied up in the trunk and we all crammed into the car, Everett driving off as fast as he could to get out of the spotlight of everyone around.

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