Chapter 8

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(A/N: hey sorry haven't been updating. Tomorrow I'll probably do a double update)

Alyssa's POV & Thoughts:

Everywhere hurts. I just don't want to be in this hospital anymore. It hurts whenever I move.

"Hey beautiful."

Wait that was Carter's voice I thought he left already.

"What are you still doing here?"

"Well I asked if I can stay for awhile and they said yes so yea. And I think so is Cameron for his girlfriend."

I'm glad Carter is still here. His the sweetest and I feel safe with him, I just keep worrying about Mayra at school. I decided to just take my mind off and watch some TV.

For some reason I felt like watching the news. When I got to the news channel they were talking about Amy. Saying that her necklace was lost from the crime scene and blah blah blah.

Mayra's POV & Thoughts:

I hate going to school and having my best friend be absent. Like I know why, but still I get lonely. At least it's almost the end of the day I just need to get my books from my locker go to last period and done.

I opened my locker and found an envelope. There was a note that said, 'Well Cameron is gone from you and Alyssa is in the hospital. I wonder what's going to happen to you. I'm pretty sure you'll look guilty once the police finds out you have the necklace.' What necklace?

I looked inside the envelope and found a necklace that I remembered was Amy's. Holy fudge. I can't go to the police. I'm just going to look guilty showing up with a necklace that's gone from the crime scene.

Finally the day is over and I'm just going to go home where I'm going to be safe and I can just be in a corner.

"Hey need a ride?"

"Hey Cam. I thought you left."

"Yea. But I'm staying, so a ride?"


"Heyyyy Mayra!"

I didn't notice Angelica was in the car too. She pretty much scared me, I just want to go home already.

So, I got all nerdy and stuff and bought a huge cork board and printed out some pictures of people and stuff and just trying to figure what's going on.

All I've got is one of Amy's old minion crashing into Alyssa. One of the minions saying things to me at the park. Angelica shows up. Amy dead. Angelica with Cameron. And the envelope. Also, Angelica taking Amy's place. It's a little creepy. I don't like nice people like people that are too nice because their too nice. You got to be mean at some point.

I need to hide this in since Cameron will be staying here for awhile. His in the living room with Angelica watching a movie. I don't know but I just hate seeing them together. It's just this weird feeling.

"Hey Cameron, I'm going to go get some things. Be back in bout 20mins."


Angelica's POV & Thoughts:

Perfect. She left now I just need to go do something.

"Um. Hey sweetie I'm going to go use the bathroom."

His nice and all and I kind've feel bad that I'm using him and also that if Mayra and Alyssa isn't gone in a month I have to kill him.

Anyways I just need to make some calls and hopefully Carter is doing his normal routine going to the store and my plan will work perfectly.

"Hey. Well remember just go as planned. Inject it while she's sleeping. If she wakes up one of you hold her down."

"Got it. We're just getting dressed and we'll go in."

So far things are perfect. Alyssa gets the medicine injected, slowly dies. And no one can stop it. Isn't life wonderful?

Alyssa's POV & Thoughts:

It's so boring nothing to do and Carter is taking forever at the store. Mayra said she'd come, but I'm so tired I'm just going to go to sleep.

As I was slowly falling to sleep I heard some one open the door. It was two people. They weren't nurses, Mayra or Carter. I stayed still and kept my eyes shut. Probably if they think I'm dead they'll leave.

But, wait my freakin heart monitor says I'm alive. I just really hope someone comes in and these two can go away. I felt someone tug on my cords and I took a peek and saw a girl she was about to inject something.

As the girl was about to inject something Carter and Mayra walked in, which caused the girl to stop doing what she was doing and turns toward Carter and Mayra.

One girl ran towards Carter and started fighting with him. The other ran to Mayra and was about to inject the thing inside of her. I can't just sit here watching my boyfriend and best friend get hurt cause of me.

I got up and smacked the syringe out of the girls hand. Something also seemed off about Mayra, she didn't have her usual strength.

Mayra pinned the girl down and took the mask off. Not that surprising it was one of Angelica's minions. Mayra tied both girls together, while Carter helped me sit back down and he called the cops.

Before the cops got to the hospital. Mayra asked her own questions.

"Why are you guys here. Obviously not to come and visit. Did Angelica send you here?"


"Okay. You guys don't have to talk. I'm not going to force you. You can live your life in jail where girls like you won't survive. Oh and if Angelica pays a visit to you two, tell her to get the hell away from my best friends."

Angelica's POV & Thoughts:


"Will you excuse me?"

It's a call from Mayra, I better listen to their conversation.

"Hey Mayra."


"Yea. I'll it's fine. I'll go over there."

Seems like there's a problem. Pretty sure the girls actually injected the medicine and Alyssa's dead.

"What happened?"

"Some girls got into Alyssa's room. But luckily Carter and Mayra got there and called the cops."

"People these days. You can never trust them."

Those girls failed. Their in jail. I should probably pay them a little visit, and thank them for what they've done. I need better people to actually finish the job without being caught.

(A/N: hope you liked it. Comment, like and vote.)

Living The DreamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora