Chapter 15

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POV: Cameron

I'm in a room. It looks so familiar. I got up and started looking around and it hit me.

This is Mayra's room. This room is so like her. It's just so casual and comfortable. I miss her so much. She still has a picture of me and her. Our first picture together.

I'm starting to cry again. I can't believe I lost her. I took the picture off the wall and behind the frame, it revealed a vault. It seemed opened, like someone was in a rush and forgot to lock it.

I opened the vault and only found a key. I took a moment and looked around the room trying to figure out where the key would go. Right there.

There was a chest hidden under her desk. I tried the key and it opened. Perfect. Inside the chest there was all these notebooks. A bunch of notes and it wasn't from school. I've never seen this much notes, it's like Mayra was trying to figure something out.

Wait, Amy, Julian's girlfriend. I thought Mayra would know by now that Amy's case for closed. The killer has been caught. It was a guy that was obsessed with her and I guess just snapped.

But, Mayra's investigation seems like it was someone else. It was Angelica's dad?

It says that he worked with Amy's parents and supposedly they lied to him and took all his money. He went over to Amy's house that day and had an argument with her and I guess it got out of hand. Plus, the reason why Angelica is like Amy because Angelica isn't a new student. She was a girl that nobody knew and never noticed and she stalked Amy. Angelica made sure to cover her dads track and take Amy's place.

This all makes sense. Kind of. But this means Mayra died because of this, they killed her. I'm not letting them go thy easily.

I picked up the chest and I'm going to catch the next flight back. As I was about to walk out Carter came in.

"Hey, where do you think you're going?"


"Wait. I need you to stay. You're my best man."

"Wait... are you playing with me?"

"Nope. I put a ring on it."

"Congratulations! I'll stay, but when is it."

"Couple days. If that's fine. Why you in hurry for?"

I got to the living room and called everyone. I explained everything I figured out, well what Mayra figured out.

Alyssa's POV:

I swear I will get Angelica for what she did.

But, I need to be calm in since I'm a soon to be bride. It was the sweetest proposal ever.

We were at the beach at sunset. All the waves were calm and the wind was perfect. Everything was perfect. He came up from behind and held me by my waist. He turned me around and held my hand. I was about to pull away until I felt something fall into my hand. It was a ring.

OF COURSE I SAID YES! He's fucking Carter Reynolds. I love him.

*****Day of the Wedding*****

We looked into Mayra's chest some more and we found a note from her to me and Carter.

Dear Alyssa and Carter,

You're probably reading this because I'm dead, yea the hard truth. I can't believe I didn't get to see you two get married. Just playing, I'm watching y'all from above. I knew you two would get married and in since I'm not there, have some one read this for me. I'm pretty sure I'm the maid of honor, so yea maid of honor speech.

"Well right now im here at my best friends wedding, after all shes done for me its time for me to repay her until the day we die. Even though we had our ups and downs she stayed by my side. She's always been there for me and she is the only one who hasn't gave up on me and my obnoxiousness. I love her for that maybe not as much as Carter does but I still do. So heres a toast to ALYSSA AND CARTER!!"

Yea, I wrote this speech before I wrote this note. Anyways love both of y'all and wish y'all the best of luck. Congratulations.


I'm in tears. I can't believe this. I'm not suppose to be crying right now, like right before I go out there. Mayra would probably be telling me to suck it up. So I sucked it all up and stood proud. I can do this.


Angelica and her father of course got arrested.

Carter and Alyssa happily got married and had 2 kids. Emma and Shawn Reynolds.

Cameron lived on with his life, pursuing his career and smiling for Mayra. knowing that's what she would want him to do.

Julian moved on, but he still took therapy.

Isaac, well he's Isaac.

Oh, and Angelica's entourage, got arrested too. I guess if you're going to follow someone, follow them into jail too.

(A/N: thank for reading. I know this may have been a shaky story, but we all start from somewhere. Thank you for everything. Vote, Comment, and Like. You can check out my other stories of you like. Hopefully you have enjoyed everything.)

Living The DreamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora