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Author's note~

It's just that, maybe this chapter will end up a little lame. But if you're still gonna read it, then just know that the next chapters that will be coming soon, are gonna make you thankful to read this, 'cause the upcoming chapters are gonna be awesome: I promise!


"Quail, let's go to Earth!" I exclaimed as I entered my room. 

"Negative," Quail replied.

Quail is my buddy virtual personal assistant with whom I've had all my naughtiness in my childhood. But I guess now he's all changed to a 'mature robo' and I haven't. Well, I'm actually kinda glad that I'm not, I mean what's the fun in that?!

"Why?" I asked, unbuttoning my shirt. 

"Because you're restricted from doing that unless you're 35 and up."

"Seriously?! I'm twenty, I'm capable of doing that! Whatcha gonna say now, Quail?" I cried.

"Three things: one, only the president is allowed of doing that. Two, Earth is a very violent planet."

"And three?"

"Well, three is that: YOUR PANTS ARE DOWN. I can clearly see your underwear!" 

I pulled my pants up and put a belt on. "Alright now, if you don't wanna go with me, then don't! I'm better on my own, g'bye!" I said as I slammed the door behind me. 

You're probably thinking where am I gonna get a spaceship? Well, my dad is the space department's head, so all I have to do is pretend to be him! But...it's gonna be tough, 'cause this is Zaleberry, the land of purity. And you must've known by now that I'm not 'pure'....atleast not in the way others in here are. 


"Dad, there's something I gotta tell you..." I said as I leaned on his table.

"Not now, BluePal," he replied, strict as usual. 

I'm not gonna leave, but I've to do something... "Dad, sister's pregnant!"

"WHAT?!" he stood up from his seat. He looked at the men around him and said, "Gentlemen, let's talk about this later."

After everyone left, he looked at me with his hazel eyes burning fire. "How'd you know?" he asked with a stern voice.

"Ummm, I-I checked her p-phone?" I replied, perspiring a lot.

He left the room immediately, shouting, "BluePal, your zip's down!"

I zipped it up again. Why is it always have to be me?! But, now, I have everything in my hands. I pulled a drawer in dad's table and grabbed his access to the Launching hall. That's where I've my 'purity' check.....WELCOME TO ZALEBERRY. 


"Sir!" Greeted the security. I nodded and went in. Thank goodness I wore my space suit before coming here: maybe I'm not that foolish also!

"Here comes the scanner," I whispered to myself as I stood on the platform. Think pure. That's all I had to do, right? I closed my eyes and thought about....that dream.

I opened one eye to check if it was done already. And I was glad it was! I rushed to the 'SECRET HALL: RESTRICTED FOR THE STAFF' to do the best part. 

There were only a few men, busy with their work. I creeped to the spaceship in the next hall, 'The Launching Hall'. I had read the manual in dad's office and was all ready to go. But then suddenly somebody called my name. I looked down with the help of Xander, an artificial pocket window. It was dad with all his men!

"BluePal, come down or else....!" he wailed. 

"Sorry dad, but I've to do this!" I cried and started the ship. This is gonna be amazing! 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2018 ⏰

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