Fourth Grade...

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"Back off or I'll make you." I warned Freddy.

"I'm not afraid to beat up a girl." he told me. Freddy was a fifth grader bully. A really big one at that. He was picking on some kid my age by taking his lunch money up until I came into his face. We were alone in the hallway during class. So there were no teachers around.

"And I'm not afraid to beat up a boy." I growled.

He laughed and threw a punch at me. I quickly dodged him and kicked him below the waist. He collapsed on the floor, howling in pain. I grinned. "See. Now leave poor Jake alone, alright?"

Freddy nodded still rolling on the floor. "Fine."

I turned o Jake who was behind me practically shaking. "You alright?" I asked him.

"Uh yeah. Thanks." he managed a weak smile.

"No problem." I walked back into Mrs. Lewis's classroom.

"Hi." a kid stuttered to me when the teacher left for the restroom. He had dark blondish hair and the cutest dimples. I love people with dimples.

"Yes?" Before I could sit down in my wooden seat, the kid grabbed my arm.

"Wait don't sit down yet!" he cried.

I paused at his outburst. "What?" I noticed he was touching me and blushed. I really don't know why, I mean, I don't usually have any crushes. Boys are really afraid of me. In like an intimidating way. But this one was different.

"I can't tell you, but you can't sit down."

If I were with any other boy, I would probably beat him senseless until he told me what was on his mind. But I didn't do that with this kid.

He pulled me away and plopped into my seat. "You can thank me later." he whispered.

"Lance, you idiot!" I heard Freddy scream at the top of his lungs. I turned to him. He was red at the face and, unfortunately, still overweight. "Why did you have to do that?"

Lance stood up slowly. I gasped when I saw the chair stand up with him. "But this is so much better Fred. It won't be hard for me to find a seat anymore." The classroom filled with laughter as well as Lance himself. I just gaped in awe. He just saved me from total embarrassment. Why would he do that?

"Lance..." He winked at me as he walked out the classroom. Probably to detach himself from the chair.

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