Chapter 2•the unexpected

Start from the beginning

"Okay come on let's go pay for these things and get out of here." She laughed and started walking away.

"Uh Alex did you look at the price of these bottles? Holy shit." I had raised the package up   and was looking at the bottom of it. "What's $20?" Alex started laughing as he scanned the items. I just chuckled and shook my head. The total had came out to $136.45 including all of the other fruits and vegetables she picked up.
"Wow did you really just spend all of that money?" I asked walking out of the store. "I've spent worse." She raised both of her eyebrows winking at me. I laughed through my nose at her.

Time skip

"Wow. Alex. This is.... Gorgeous" I smiled stepping into her home. "Well welcome to your new home." Alex stood outside of the penthouse but held the door open. I stopped in my tracks and looked at her as if she was crazy.

"What are you talking about?" She looked at me, closed the door, put the bags from the store in the kitchen and laughed. "Piper you live here now, this is for you and..... Nessa?" She raises her eyebrow in question. I chuckled a little and nodded my head. "Yea so tomorrow whenever I come from work, WHATEVER is in your car is going to be in this penthouse."

She sat her keys on the counter and put both of her hands down and leaned against it. I blushed a little at the fact that she was allowing me to live with her. "Aww you look like a cute tomato." I laughed at that. "Alright come on."

She grabbed my hand and led me up the stairs to a room that had white baby stuff all over it. I looked at her confused. "Umm do you have kids or something?" She popped open the door and flicked the light on. "No, I have a niece that used to occasionally come over here and spend the night when her parents were out or at work or something. She doesn't anymore because she's enrolled in daycare and they have enough money for a nanny now." I raised my eyebrows in muse.

"Wow this is nice." I looked around and touched a few things. "And why do you have me in here?" I chuckled and look at her as her eyes wondered up and down my body. "Is it really that hard to stay away from her. She needs her space every once in a while. And you my dear need your beauty rest. So how about you put her in the crib and come with me?"

She tilted her head and wiggles her eyebrows as she picked up the baby monitor. I sighed and softly smiled. I placed nessa in the crib and stared at her for a few seconds before Alex walked over to me grabbing my hand. "let her breathe." I slowly walked away still looking back at her. Alex turned the light off and led me out of the room. She reached past me and closed the door then looked at me. She grabbed my hand once more and led me down the stairs. "Sit here." I sat down in the bar stool as Alex let my hand go. Alex walked into the kitchen and stood in front of the sink which was in front of me and began to wash dishes.

"Thirsty? Want a snack?" Alex asked washing a glass. "Water is fine." Alex chuckled and got the jug of water from the bottom of the pantry and poured it into the glass with ice. She sat it on the bar in front of Piper and went to the refrigerator and got out a container of fruits. "You can eat from this I don't mind." Piper exhaled deeply and began to eat slowly.

"So, any family out here?" Alex grabbed the dawn dish soap and spread it across her dishes.

"Um yes but none of them really care for me besides my sisters Daya and Nicky and my bestfriend Polly, her fiancé and her baby. Pretty much only them. Sometimes my mom can be tolerable but she kicked me out when she found out I was pregnant. But Daya FaceTimes me everyday and tells me how much she misses and loves me and catches me up on this show she loves so much called Command or something like that. It sounds very interesting but I never really got the around to watching it." I started twisting in the bar chair side to side and messing with things. Alex started laughing at me.

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