Chapter 1: the Star, the Magician and the Rex

Start from the beginning

"Well... apparently I have one also" Ben had said surprised to see a spirit inhabiting his body. And even more wondering why didn't he Omnitrix keep it out of him when it tried to posses him.

"Okay!" His mother replied with a bright smile on her face. Ben suddenly felt a strange urge to face-plant. Not that he would ever say something like that to his mom but if for some reason he did, she would not respond kindly to that at all.

Jotaro's mother turned to face the officers. "Officers, he's actually a sweet child. He would never do something so awful." The woman had pleaded.

Ben wondered if she was talking about the fight  he and Jotaro got in or what he had just said to her. Either way, Jotaro looked the furthest thing away from sweet. And that is putting it Mildly.

"Excuse me ma'am, but do you know this guy?" One of the officers said, pointing directly at Ben now. "He saw the fight happening and helped to fend those guys off your son."The officer had said, the teen had looked at the woman and tried to mouth to deny knowing him even though she didn't.

"Um..." Jotaro's mother, Ben was guessing she was Mrs. Kujo, looked him over. After a minute she shook her head. "No, I don't recognize him. Is he a friend of yours, Jotaro?"

"This is Ben," Jotaro explained. "Mom, go home. We're possessed by spirits. We have no idea what they might make us do."

One of the officers sighed. "Good grief, that's all he's been going on about. We told him he could leave but he refuses to listen. Forgive me for asking this, but is your son alright in the head?"

"This isn't some hotel!" snapped the other officer, kicking the cell bars. "Get out!"

Suddenly the other three inmates ran to the bars, their arms reaching out. "Please! He's telling the truth!"

"They're possessed by evil spirits! Well, I know that big guy is but if he says the other's got one, I believe it!"

"Let us change cells! We'll never do anything bad again!"

"Shut up!" The officer slammed his baton against the bars but it didn't dissuade the three from begging to be let out of the cell. "Hey, Ben, want a drink?" Jotaro offered, pulling a can from seemingly out of nowhere.

"What kind of soda is that?" Ben asked.

"It's beer," Jotaro said plainly. This lead to the shapeshifter/spirit host doing a spit take in shock "I AM NOT DRINKING THAT!!! I happen to be eight..." Ben was saying before checking his Omnitrix. Thanks to his Alphas warning him about the age regression and acceleration, so he had installed a function that tells him what his age was. He was now nineteen, "Nineteen I am nineteen years old and I am still underage to drink!" He lectured.

"I'm seventeen" Jotaro stated

At first Ben thought he was being sarcastic but as Jotaro fumbled around in his pocket before pulling out a fountain pen, Ben stared. "You're seventeen?"

"That's right!" Mrs. Kujo beamed brightly suddenly appearing back, earning a grunt of annoyance from her son.

Well, Jotaro was definitely the tallest and most buff person Ben had ever met. And that included a teenager that was part Tetramand, a shapeshifting Wizard, a tall and not to mention alluring Umbra witch, and from a recent call from one of his generation a guy with copying powers and white hair.

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