Chapter 2

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She walked over to me and hugged me tight. "How are you? Prussia and Allen have told me so much about you." She spoke in a bit of a german accent. "Well your stright forward aren't you Mollie." I smiled and hugged her back with on arm the other holding the bag of liquor. Matt look at his keys to grab his house key. "I suppose you want to come in." I smiled and walked in with her. I set the bag down and she set hers down by the couch.

"So what are you planning tonight?" She asked and sat down making herself at home. I sat by her and took a cigarette out and lit it. "If they been telling you the truth I'm a quiet person and I like to be home so i bought some moonshine and strawberries because they go well together." He set a jar of Maple, strawberry and butterscotch moonshine on the table abling with strawberrys and chocolate dip. "I also have some pot too but most people dont care for it." I sat back looking at her. She was in thought and came out of it quickly. "Your not trying to get me drunk so you can gwt in my pants right?" She asked lookibg at me with her bright blue eyes. "I won't force you no but if it happens it happens." I said not wanting to tell her no fully. She smiled and nodded at me.

She grabbed the strawberry moonshine and took a sip. "Oh my god is there any alcohol in this? I just like fresh strawberries." She took a drink again and set it down by her. "Thats why I get it and it actully has a really high alcohol persent. So be careful." I said going and grabbing a bowl. I sat down and put thw strawberries in it and pored half the strawberry moonshine on them and covered them. "What are you doing?" Mollie asked watching me like a curious kitten. "The berries will absorbe the liquor and they taste good with the chocolate." I looked at her amd smirked. Making her blush. "So tell me Matt why did you agree to this date?" She asked looking at me smiling. "My brother said you where a cool girl and you where looking for a guy to be with and be asked if i wanted to give it a try. Told him yeah and now here we are. That and Al has known you for years amd I have only met your brothers." I took a bug gulp of the maple moonshine and took the last hit of my cigarette before putting it out. "So tell me about yourself Mr Williams" she giggled as she sipped on the strawberry moonshine. I drank on mine and laid back. "Well I love animals i actully had a huge white dog that Al is watching for me whild i bulid him a dog house. I am in a gang that you already know." I thought for a moment and took another drink as I quickly glanced at the chubby black haired girl beside me. "I dont care to date really skinny girls I like them to have some meat on their bones. I have a cabin and you should shut uo and come over here and watch a movie with me." I smirked at her and took another drink.

"Okay Mr. BossyPants" she crawled on the couch over to me and laid on me. "What are we going to watch?" She asked as I put on The Fast and The Furious. "My papa use to watch this before he passed." She took another drink and cuddled up close. I put my arm around her and patted and rubbed her back. The night was going great.

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