Shellshocked part 2

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The twins were talking dumb stuff before Hiccup gave them one last thing to do. "Just make sure they don't try to escape." "We got this my pale, weak, ailing friend." Tuffnut said as they took to the air. "Poor little guy. Keeping that stiff upper lip must be such a struggle." Ruffnut said before they turned to us and Tuffnut spoke some more nonsense. "So Viggo, Viggster, can we bounce something off you?" 

"You mean you will need my service and advisement?" Viggo kept his composure straight as always. "Yes, we need you to judge some of our ideas for a catchphrase." Tuff got enthusiastic. "Well then, let me hear it." Tuffnut started in a confusing way. "You gotta be an ace with the mace or a talon won't go a gallon! Wait, what? Is that even a rhyme? One rhyme at a time." "Hmm... I don't think that's the one. Do you have more?" "Yes, we do!" Ruffnut walked up with a pointed finger to us. "So what do ya say Viggo, Viggster? We gonna send your bro down the flow." "That is a bit harsh, don't you think?"

"Okay, how about this one?" Tuffnut happily jumped around in front of him. "Ugh..." I scuffed out in annoyance. Viggo heard me and rolled his eyes to me for a small moment. Tuffnut continued as Viggo changed attention for the moment. "There is no crying in Maces and Talons." Viggo stroke through his beard as he 'thought' about it for a moment. 

After a few seconds, he gave the twins his judgement. "You know what? I actually like it." "YES!" "Yay, woohoo!" The twins shouted out in cheers as they ran out of the stables with arms raised and their hands were folded into fists. I stood up and walked up to Viggo's back. "You didn't like any of them, did you?" I asked him. He turned to me. "It was awful." I laughed a bit and closed the distance between us. 

I held my arms around his shoulders and he held his hands on my waist again. "What do you think they will do to us?" "They will most surely come back for more answers, which I can't give them anymore. But as the Riders might be preparing themselves, we might as well do the same." Viggo stared in my eyes. "What do you mean?" "What I mean is, Ryker will arrive here tomorrow. There is not much we can do, but mentally prepare for him to get here." Viggo held me in his arms and we sat down against the walls. We talked through the night and fell asleep as the moon shone through the cell bars.

The morning started quite abrupt. Me and Viggo were still sleeping when I heard Snotlout yell out a warning. "Incoming!" An explosion was heard that got both me and Viggo startled awake. We got up in the cell and listened how the fire balls exploded inside the base barriers. 

Soon, one fire ball landed not far from the stables. Viggo grabbed to the doors and watched the event going on outside. "Fools." "Viggo!" I got behind him and held on to him in fear. "I know. This is just the initial attack. We have to wait this out and then Ryker will return. This is a warning to deliver me to him or else he will unleash all wrath upon us all." He held me close again as we watched fire ball after fire ball fall down on the base.

After all was done, Snotlout was arriving in the stables to see if we were okay. "Hey! You two love birdies are okay?" "Will you stop calling us like that? And yes, we're fine." Viggo answered to him pretty much annoyed. "But, can we go to use the facilities? I really have to go, the baby is not helping with that either." "But you already went twice in an hour this morning!" Snotlout shouted to me. "That's because I'm carrying a baby! It is pushing on my bladder. Ow Gods, just let me go!" My bladder was about to explode, luckily Snotlout let us out to go anyway. 

As we had done our business, we joined the Riders discussing about the approach to Ryker. We stepped in and Viggo spoke up as he stood behind Snotlout. The boy probably crapped his pants once he found out my dear husband was behind him, his body stiffing up was hilarious to see. 

"I hate to be the one to say 'I told you so', but..." "How did you get out?!" Hiccup was so confused to see us out of the cell, but I felt good to stretch the legs. Viggo gladly held on to Snotlout with an arm around the shoulders. The boy stiffened up even more. "My friend Snotlout was good enough to allow us to use the facilities." Viggo said proudly and Hiccup was so not amused by it. "Ow, he did, did he?" Snotlout walked up to Hiccup as he made up an excuse. 

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