"Was that too difficult for you to do what I asked you?"  He yelled at me. Now, I don't like it when somebody yells at me or scolds me like a kid.

"I'm not your fucking slave or employee,"  I screamed back immediately, catching a fight he had begun.

"Don't be ridiculous! I wouldn't hire you even if my life depends on it. You can't do anything right. You're an ungrateful, useless, absolutely shiftless creature. You wouldn't survive a day without me."

"What did you say?"  I barked, hoping to scare him and he would take back his insulting words. But he didn't.

"You don't know how to do anything, I'm not sure if you know where the supermarket is unless they sell Louboutin or Chanel there, and they don't!! So yeah, without me you're gonna starve to death!"  He continued with a mean smile.

"You're like a flower, pretty and for pleasure and that's all you are good for."  He finished humorously.

My jaw dropped and my eyes popped out when I heard that. I took the first thing that I found with my hand and chucked it at him. The big vase fled to him but he neatly stepped away from it and it hit the door with a loud bang and shattered into a thousand tiny pieces on the floor. I didn't feel content.

"And this is all you've got? "  He asked, his voice annoyingly calm and collected, pissing me off to no end.

Screaming like a banshee, I grabbed anything that came into the reach of my hands and threw it at Patrick.

In few years of our marriage I had a lot of practice, and I was quite good at throwing plates, glasses, or other things at my husband when we were arguing or when I felt the need to do so for a bigger drama effect. I have a certain flair for drama. Patrick became good at avoiding things flying in his direction as well.

"I have no time for this shit."  My beloved one shook his head and went to his office to take those damn documents.

I should have burned them! It would have been a lesson for him!

"Don't forget we have a charity event today in the evening."  He cried out from the hall downstairs.

Instead of answering him, I threw my perfume at the door. The bottle didn't break for my dismay, which made me stop throwing things and finally sit on the bed.

"I'll show you a 'useless flower'," I mumbled picking my clothes from the wardrobe and dropping everything on the bed.

And this is how I packed my clothes and run away to Alexiss. She met me with a smile and my favorite chocolate muffins. After I told her everything she supported my decision to run away. She even suggested filing for the divorce insisting that I shouldn't go back to him. We came up with a plan for my future. Well, she planned everything while I just ate my muffins.

Start making money to become an independent woman who can live on her own.
Bullshit, I hate working.

I had to find my own apartment.
I actually liked this one and wanted to try it.

She took away all my husband's credit cards and left me with some cash, which I had taken before leaving our house.
This was totally mean.

The rest of the evening we were looking through the apartments for rent list and found a few suggestions that I could afford. I must say that they all were a rathole but Lex told me that living so low would stimulate me to get higher.

Alexiss also gave me a job in her agency but fired me after two days after I ruined her big business deal. She offered me to start modeling again but it wasn't an option for me. She made a few phone calls and found me another job where I didn't last more than a week.

"Brighten up Eli, you know what, we should go somewhere tonight, you can wear that red dress, you look stunning in it."  She suggested, trying to lift my mood.

"I love that dress, I saw perfect shoes that would match with it perfectly,"  I said dreamingly.

"I hope you didn't buy them?" She asked suspiciously.

"I'm considering... "

"What? No! You have no money for such a purchase! You can't give up that easily." She ranted. Sometimes Alexiss was a real pain in my ass.

"Chill Lex, I won't buy them."

"Thank God, now go home Boo, and rest for today. The darker the night, the brighter the dawn, baby. It will all sort out."  She reassured me and kissed my cheek goodbye.

"Bye, Hannah."  I waved at a woman sitting outside of Alexiss' office.

"Wait Elizabeth, I heard from my friend that is working at the Cambells Int. they're hiring. Maybe you should try your luck there?"  She offered me a kind smile and gave me a piece of paper with the address.

Great, one more place to prove my worthlessness.

"Thank you," I said and turned away to walk to the elevator but she again stopped me. Alexis' assistant was just as persistent and pushy as her boss.

"You would need this at the interview."  She stretched out her hand with another paper. It was my CV on which we worked with Alexis. I snatched it from her grip mumbling 'thanks' again and quickly stormed off to the elevator before she forced me with anything else.

I just wanted to go home and soak in a hot bubble bath, was this that much to wish for?

I looked closer at the address she gave me. It was close to where I am now, so maybe I will go now and finish with this all quickly...

People, please talk to me, tell me what do you think about the second chapter? 🤔💭


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