Chapter Three~ Meeting the Rest of The Band

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For the rest of the ride we just kinda sat there asking eachother questions. And to be honest, it was actually kinda fun. I was a little sad when Dana’s car stopped moving. We were in the parking lot of a park. The was a purple and yellow playground although there were seemingly no children. I looked around a bit more. There had to be at least fifty girls. “This is where you’re filming? With all these people?” I asked.

“Yeah, we needed a lot of extras” Dana got out of the car as he said this. A small group of the girls ran over to him, while others just stood there and squealed.

‘Welp, this is great!’ I thought as I got out of the car, trying to avoid looking at all of the other girls. I wasn’t good with people. Big crowds weren’t my thing. I looked around and I eventually found Eve. She was engaged in a conversation so I just kinda walked up awkwardly.

“So you two are just going to be walking around holding hands at one point.” A man instructed. Eve and Cole nodded, understanding what he was saying. He then noticed me, give me a questionable look. “Who is this?”

“Oh, this is my friend, Tye. She volunteered to be an extra.” Eve chimed in. The man nodded as he examined me, walking around me, making sure to notice every single detail. “She’s kinda camera shy though.”

He nodded at Eve and then looked back at me. “So you don’t want too much camera time? Because you look perfect for a role that I need filled.”

I shrugged looking at the ground. “I guess I can do whatever.”

The man smiled widely. “Okay, so you’re going to be Will’s girlfriend then. And by the way I’m John.” He held out his hand for me to shake, which I did. “If you go find Will, he’ll tell you what it is that you need to do.”

Although I wasn’t to sure about this, I nodded anyway. “Who’s Will?”

Cole laughed. “He’s over by the swings.”

“The asian one.” Eve added. And with that I walked away. Now that I got a good look at my surrounding I noticed that the park was closed off. It had to be. Everyone here looked as if they belonged here.

Soon I got close enough to where I could see the swing sets. There were three people there. A blonde haired boy, a black haired boy with a blonde streak, and Will. Or at least I assumed he was Will because he was asian. I walked over and smiled at the three boys, desperately trying not to seem out of place. But just as I was about to say something the blonde boy interrupted.

“Tye?” How did he know my name? He must have saw the confused look on my face because he continued talking. “Eve talks about you all the time, and you just matched the description so I just kinda guessed. “ He smiled at me, The black haired boy with the blonde streak smiled at me too. “I’m Dalton, and that’s Gabe. and this is Will.” The boy, Dalton, said as he pointed at the corresponding person.

“AKA You’re boyfriend for the day!” Will said loudly as he spread his arms out wide as if to say ‘Ta Da!’ I laughed a little as he said this. ‘Eve texted me and told me you were coming.”

“John needs to figure out our girlfriends.” The boy I now knew as Gabe spoke bitterly towards Dalton.

Dalton sighed. “Be patient. It shouldn’t take to long anyway.” He shrugged and then looked at me and then over to Will. “He just has to find girls that look like they belong with us. “Will and Tye would make a cute couple. Plus the height difference makes it even cuter.” I then looked over at Will. He was a bit taller than me, but not by too much.

“Oh stop! You’re making me blush!” Will giggled, jokingly. Or at least I hope he was joking.“

“But when is the last time Will has even been on a date?” Gabe asked.


“Dalton sighed. “That’s not the point! This is just for a video. I’m sure John will have girls for us in a minute.

Gabe began walking away. “I’m going to see what's taking him so long.” He snapped.

Dalton followed behind him, but before he got too far he turned back around and smiled at me. “Nice finally meeting you.” I nodded in agreement.

And then I was quiet. I looked down at the wood chips surrounding the swing sets. “So, uh, John told me that you would tell me what to do…” My words came out awkwardly, which made me feel embarrassed.

Will looked surprised. “Wow, you actually talk? For a second there I thought you were mute.” He laughed. “All you have to do is act like you’re my girlfriend. Pretend to have fun.”\

“I’ll try.”

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