8th Meeting

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Present Day

"Hey, why did you refuse my request back then...?" Haknyeon paused the show then looked at me. "You finally asked the question I've been hoping to avoid." I started feeling worried for what excuse he could possibly pull out. "Well, you do have the right to know...Younghoon did beat me for it." I picked up the bowl of strawberries and waited for him to start.


I didn't go to work the following day either. "Playing hooky again?" "No, I actually don't feel well this time around..." Younghoon sat down beside me then stroked my head. "What's wrong?" "Haknyeon refused my request..." "And?" "He promised he never would." I felt him hit my thigh then shook his head. "Did he actually say the word promise?" "No." "Then that's why. I heard from Kevin about his attitude from the other day. I'm not surprised that he did that. Why do you even care so much? There are others you can request for."

I didn't know myself. I just felt drawn to him. It really had no rhyme or reason, just pure emotion. "Well, I suggest requesting someone else and see if they can compare." "What if they don't?" "Then suffer." I groaned as he was being unnecessarily rude this morning. "I have to go, but there's pancakes in the microwave for you. I'll ask Chanhee to come check up on you." I grunted a response then rolled onto my other side. "Even out of little space you're such a child..."


I heard the doorbell ring and guessed it was Chanhee checking up on me. Despite knowing him for at least a year by now, I still had no idea what his job was. I opened the door without looking and jumped back in surprise. "What are you doing here?" "Ah, I just saw your request this morning and I know it's been refused but that's my default setting." I never felt more confused. One moment he's completely cold and the next he's being kind again. I couldn't read this man at all and that frustrated me more than I realized.

"Well, it's not out of business hours, but as you can see," I pointed to my head and clothes, "I'm not in little space." "No one has to know. Is there anything you want to do?" "I didn't really plan on going out...settled for a movie day." I side stepped and gestured for him to come in. "So, what kind of movie marathon?" "Stupid movies with a dash of chick flick." He sat down on the couch then took an apple slice from the plate. "Sounds fun. I've never heard of this one. Dashing?" "Ah, I was-" "Homosexuality huh...What an interesting choice." I felt I was being judged and was going to throw him out if he hadn't spoken up then. "Can you start from the beginning?"

The movie ended with the dancer committing suicide in turn and I wondered what Haknyeon thought. "Wow, this was beautifully made. It didn't sugarcoat anything and actually did their research..." I was genuinely surprised to hear that come from Haknyeon's mouth. "Chanhee recommended it to me. He wasn't joking about it instantly creating a heavy atmosphere." The doorbell rang again and I assumed it was Chanhee this time.

"Well, you're standing in front of me, so you're obviously not invalid. Have you eaten?" "Yeah." "Have you EATEN?" I bit my bottom lip. "No..." "Figured. I'm coming in." "Wait-" Chanhee pushed his way inside then stopped as he passed the living room. "Who's this attractive man? You two an item?" "What? No. Go to the kitchen." "I'm insulted. I demand answers." I pushed him into the kitchen then hit his head with a loaf of bread. "That's my caregiver..." "You're not in little space. What gives?" I explained everything and he seemed to understand. "Ah, so he's making it up. That's sweet." I shook my head as I still tried to grasp his sudden change in attitude.

Present Day

"I don't get it. Why didn't you just tell me?" "I think back then, I really just wanted to keep it professional. Though, our next meeting...I suddenly felt that I didn't want to keep it that way." I rubbed the back of his hand to communicate my feelings without words. "I'm glad I decided then and not later."

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