"That's still a lot of months though! I had some Whiskey Sour I was gonna give her to drink today!"

Penguin stepped up and put a hand on my shoulder, grinning, "Can I call dibs on being an uncle then?"

"No way I called it already!" Shachi jumped in.

"Yeah well there can be more than one uncle ya know!"

"Shut up I'm Uncle so go and find something else!"




With the deck in utter turmoil I looked around at everyone who was jumping into the fray and now I realized that it would've been better had we told them a few people at a time and perhaps have left the twins for last. Oh well.

"No!" With that Shachi shoved Penguin, who smacked into me. Two steps back and down into the ocean I went.

"I hate you all!" I screamed when I surfaced.

All of the crew was freaking out and Law stood at the edge of the submarine, his hands gripping the railing so hard I could see that they were turning white. The twins were screaming and running around like headless chickens and Oz was yelling at them to calm down. The rest of the crew raced to come and get me. 

All of them, every single one of them, are idiots. 

Taking a deep breath I swam over to the back of the submarine where there's a ladder. It took me no time at all to make it there thankfully because the water was cold. I grabbed the first rung and hauled myself up out of the water. My sopping clothes making it hard to climb effectively not to mention the annoying fact that my hair and hat were plastered to my head or the fact that I felt ready to puke. 

By the time my feet hit the deck everyone was still on high alert. Oz came over to me with a towel in hand. He draped it over my shoulders and wrapped me up just in time to hand me off to Law, though he didn't touch me. I'm sure the sea water, as thin as it was on me, was bad for him. Come to think of it I wonder if I've just managed to turn myself into something similar to a sea-stone. 

"Rayne I'm so sorry!" Shachi apologized, bowing profusely.

I held up a hand, "Five feet away, I need to go and wash up now, I'm cold. But it's fine, I know you didn't mean to push him into me." Goosebumps were popping up all over my skin as I bee-lined for the shower.

It was only a few minutes for the water to heat up. Stepping into the spray I sighed in bliss, I love the feeling of warm showers, it makes everything so much better. It's like all of the tension can just be washed away. The curtains part and Law slipped in behind me. I smiled with arms coming around me. Leaning back into his frame I closed my eyes again, yes these were the things I was going to miss when all of the craziness began again.

The shower was definitely nice, even more so when I got to spend it with Law. As it was right now Law wasn't letting me out of his sight. Apparently my little dip in ocean scared him bad enough that he's decided to attach us at the hip again. It's not like I really mind all that much because lately it's been hard to get Law's attention. I just can't help but wonder what it was like for him, seeing me there in the ocean and unable to do anything about it. 

Perhaps he was scared, or maybe angry, I don't know. "You know if you hold onto me any tighter you could squish the baby." I whispered drowsily.

I felt the bed shift as he came closer, as if that was even possible, "You'll both be fine." His fingers splayed out across my stomach, I think I can already see a bump beginning to form.

For a few sleepy moments everything was quiet and I felt the sleep begin to wash over me, but I just had to ask one last question. "Law?"

"Hm?" His voice was thick with sleep.

"Do you have any idea of what we should name the baby?"

"Do we have to talk about this now?"

I rolled over to face him, looking into those beautiful, half-mast gray eyes, "Yes, please because I have a great idea if it's a boy."


"We should name him Corazon after your old friend."

Law's eyes opened wide, "What?"

"If we have a boy we should name him Corazon. I know how much he meant to you and all... so... I just thought it would be fitting." I squeezed my eyes shut, "I'm sorry is that stupid?"

He was silent and I was beginning to feel really stupid. Oh god, did I just rub salt in the wound? Did I seriously make it worse? "I... I think that's a good name. I just didn't think you'd ever suggest that."

I opened my eyes to see that he's really genuine about this. I can't help but peck him on the lips, "He was important to you Law, just like how I know our baby will be important to you. I only think it's fitting."

Law brought me in close and rested his chin on top of my head. I smiled, curling my arms around him to go to sleep. However another question popped into my mind, "Law, what if we have a girl?"

"Go to sleep." 


Okay so I've decided that I will be updating on weekends, I don't have a set day yet but I will try and get it out on weekends. Just know that school is hitting me hard with research papers lately and that I may not be able to update every week. I've written a few chapters ahead for this very reason but I will try and get the chapters out to you none the less.

Of Warlords and Children (Trafalgar Law Book 2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin