BBP one

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(BBP 😎)

I dont wonder when i see my dad leave the house and not come back until 6 in the morning

and also watch my mom deal with it i dont know what my dad does when he leaves  

he doesn't tell me anything but i know he loves me and he works hard 

He bought us a  big house in the hills of Los Angeles, California  a few months ago

I start school on Wednesday being the new kid isn't easy never is 

" i dont care Marcus!," i hear my mom yell to my dad 

"i dont want her around that type of crowd," my mother tell my father 

" shes going to make new friends," my father tried explaining  to her

I walk closer towards their room to listen what does my mom mean?

around that type of crowd?

"that boy and his no good having friends well not be around my daughter!," i jump of the sound of my mothers voice she only yells at my dad when he is in the wrong of doing something he isn't

My father sighs in frustration him doing that is letting my mother no his done with conversation and she won   

i walk back to my room sitting at my desk table opening my laptop searching up the school i should be going to

it looked good from pictures  i got to reading the news about it 

17 year old lamar murdered and found dead, on the side on west high(2012)

shooting in west  high leaving 20 hurt and 12 killed(2013)

Jazmine jones missing(2013) last seen with Jacob Perez

dealing drugs in school killing 15(2014)

I slowly close my laptop and went to lay down an bed thinking about all  the crime in that school, it sceared me alot to even go its 2015 now all that couldnt still be going on....right?

" goodnight" my dad said walking in my room

"goodnight love you," i said looking up at him

"love you to mira," he walks out my room shutting the door behind him

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