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The following story is a brief narration is about the failing relationship of an unlikely couple, who were average in all respects. Most events will take place in an unknown city on the East Coast. This story is not a romance ,or even articulate. It's short, jumbled, and jangled because there is nothing really to say about heartbreak. There is no beginning, middle, end, plot, climax, or moral. All of this simply happened.

The girl, Katherine (Kat) Roth, was a twenty year old transplant from a backwoods Pennsylvanian town surrounded by Amish country. She was the daughter of the owners of the local dive diner. Kat and her other four sisters were full time employees at the diner serving the depressing clientel which consisted of toothless locals and frightening truck drivers. Shortly after Kat turned eighteen, she decided to up and leave and pursue something art related. Perhaps a curator of a museum, or something along those line. She didn't know what she was doing, but her grades were decent and she was determined. Kat never knew what she wanted to be when she grew up and has yet to figure it out. She went to a liberal-arts school within the unknown city. Two years later and flat broke she was forced to drop out and get an office job to pay her rising rent. She now is confined to a cubical and her current boss is ( for lack of better term) a dumbass

Kat in most respects would be considered pretty, however "nothing special". She was of average height  and had a slender frame. Her hair was mousy;  it was indecisive and couldn't decide whether to be light-brown or plain brown. Her eyes were a dull, grayish-blue and her smile was wide and inviting. However, her front teeth were slightly gapped since braces since braces and proper dental care were intangible luxury growing up. Her was once keen fashion sense has become increasingly bland due to her mundane office job. She still tries her hardest to hide her country background but sometimes its to no avail.

The boy, Paul Warden, grew up in a well-to-do family from a preppy New-England town. He was twenty-three and a English major, journalism minor from a well-known university. Paul is intelligent, but his milk-toast personality and appearance mask any sort of redeeming quality he posseses. He's lanky with brown hair and brown eyes. There isn't really a whole lot to say about poor Paul. He aspired to be a famous writer, but somewhere along the line he became the intern-script maker for a local news station.

The way this pair met was as equally unexceptional as Paul; some friend of a friend of a friend of a friend set them up on a date.

Here is a simple, chronological timeline of their relationship 

1. They're introduced and they have their first date ( some local Italian restaurant, truly forgetable)

2. They embark on a two-year stint where they didn't love each other, but neither one ended it in fear that they couldn't find someone else or do any better

3. They breakup

4. They both move away from the unknown city

5. Four years later they meet again at a mutual friend's wedding

6. They talk, and life continues


                                                               That's about all for Kat and Paul

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2014 ⏰

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