Well...Anyone wanna arrange my funeral? I would love to have Coldplay perform Viva La Vida at my funeral. Oh and can Katy Perry come and pay her respects?;) She's the only girl I'd go straight for.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" Zayn yelled.

"It's my dorm too, Zayn. Besides I'm leaving anyway" I huffed.

"The hell you are" he said plopping down on his bed, scrolling through his phone.

I sighed. "Whatever" I muttered.

"What?" he snapped.

I rolled my eyes and turned to him. "I said whatever, Zayn. Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth or do I need to speak slower, Malik?"

I saw his jaw clench. Uh oh.

He started breathing hard and I saw this vein pop out of his neck.

Uh yeah, like I said I want Coldplay and Katy Perry.

Zayn jumped from his bed and pushed me so hard that I fell backward hitting my head and back on the side of my bed. I winced at the pain that jolting through my back.

"Yeah! Now you're fucking quiet fag! Get the hell up before I beat the fucking shit outta you!" he spit.

I then grew very angry and stood up so fast I got a little dizzy. I pushed Zayn back making him fall on his bed.

"You know, Zayn...you're pretty sexy when you get angry" I teased.

Zayn jumped back up and punched my right in my eye.

Dammit! Just when that eye was recovering from the last time Zayn hit me. Yep. I don't know where that sudden boost of confidence came from, but frankly I wish it didn't.

I yelped falling to the ground.

"You're fucking disgusting! Don't you ever put your gay hands on me again!" he screamed.

"Screw you, Zayn! The last time I recall you fucking kissed me!" I yelled looking up at him while holding my eye.

And at that time I wish I was holding both my eyes, because I saw Zayn get even angrier. And this time it was deep anger, if that's a thing. Like he looked like he was from the pits of hell or some shit. His eyes grew darker and you can see some little red veins appear in them. He clenched his fists and his face went a deep red. I don't see how smoke didn't come out his ears...

"Ahhh!" he screamed before jumping on top of me and wailing on me.

He punched me in my eye again and then punched me in the nose. I started bawling my eyes out. The pain was excruciating. He started slapping me and scratching me. He took his longest fingernail and scraped it across my cheek. I could feel the burning sensation and I could feel my skin being lifted. You know when you peel an orange or lemon? Yeah. It was like that. Fuck it hurt, bad.

He slapped me again then grabbed a handful of my hair and started banging my head on the hardwood like eight times. I was screaming and crying and praying to God to not let Zayn kill me.

After taking a few more hits, some blows to my stomach and he even punched me in my head, he got up and darted out of the room.

"Fuck you fag!" he hissed.

I didn't know what to do. Everything hurt. My stomach, head, face, ribs...even my heart. I don't know but that one hurt the most.

After sobbing for like twenty minutes, I got up and made my to Liam's. Liam was only four doors down, but it still took me like eight minutes to reach his door. I tried to bring my arm up to knock, but my shoulder hurt like hell too.

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