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Younghoon stretched out as he had successfully sent in the report before the meeting. "Well, I have some time today..." He looked at the time and saw that it was almost time for Yeoeun to get out of school. He quickly freshened up and changed into casual wear before gathered his necessities and heading out. He took the time to look around at his neighborhood as he went along.

Younghoon wondered why he never really took the time to get to know his neighborhood. Maybe it was his job. Maybe it was the stress of caring for Yeoeun. Younghoon sighed then kicked a rock. He rounded a corner then saw her school in the distance. As he walked, he remembered that they needed groceries and hoped Yeoeun wouldn't mind making that stop first before they went home.

"Ah, it's been a while since you came to pick her up, Mr. Kim." "Yeah...I had some time today." He gently patted Yeoeun's back as she hugged his leg. "She's been doing well in her class, so whatever conditions are present at home, don't change it." "Trust me, there won't be a change. I'm usually too busy to do anything else." She laughed and he gave a smile in return. Younghoon gently held Yeoeun's hand as they walked away from the school. "Yeoeun, do you mind if we go food shopping before we go home?" "Nope." "Then it's settled."

They walked through the doors and received a blast of cold air. "It's cold." "I know. Come on." Younghoon grabbed a cart before they tackled the aisles. They walked around and grabbed necessities and naturally, Yeoeun had questions about the food. They passed by the snacks aisle and Younghoon was glad they passed by without any problems. "Daddy, can I have this?" "Yeoeun, we don't have money for that." "But, I want it..." "There's a difference between want and need." Younghoon expected her to put it back, but got an opposite reaction.

"Yeoeun, please." She continued to wail and stomp her feet. The last thing he wanted to do was give in knowing that they really couldn't afford anything extra. "I want it, I want it, I want it!" "Y-" He saw a man walk over to them then squat down to Yeoeun's height. "Your name is Yeoeun?" She nodded while wiping her eyes. "I'm sure your..." "Dad." "...dad would get it for you in a heartbeat. But if he can't, then he has a good reason not to." She was now quiet and looked at him with awe. "I understand..." "Now, the next step is apologizing. Can you do that?" Yeoeun nodded then apologized. "It's fine. You're young, so it's not easy for you to see things from my perspective..." "Per-pesp-" "From my eyes." "Oh."

"Thank you so much. I recently became a father and I have so much to learn..." The man started scribbling on a napkin he had. "Here." Younghoon saw the man holding out the napkin. "Here's my number in case you encounter any new problems." "Um, thank you. May I know your name?" "Changmin. I'm a school teacher." He high fived Yeoeun then took his leave. "Changmin huh..." He stuffed the napkin into his pocket then remembered they still had a few things to get.

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