10. On the Road to Infamy

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I could hear two pairs of feet pursue me. I knocked into people, causing obstacles for the pair. I turned sharply left into an alleyway. There was barely any lighting, and a gate placed itself nicely in my way. I grimaced, put the knife sideways in my mouth, and began to try and climb the gate. I didn’t plan to get caught; I just wanted to get their attention. Come on, John; get to me first so I can tag you.

I let out a strangled cry as something grabbed me around the waist. I looked down to see John was the first to get to me. I cackled with the blade between my teeth, quickly reaching for the chip. I grabbed a hold of him, making sure the chip secured to his clothes. It was very miniscule, practically impossible to detect. It also had a camouflage feature, allowing it to blend in with whatever it was attached to. Technology these days, it was changing every second.

I threw a fierce kick to John’s stomach. It was enough to throw him off and allow me to climb over the gate successfully. I stumbled on my landing, spinning around only to see Sherlock climbing madly over the fence. John still remained on the ground, trying as fast as he could to get on his feet.

I spun around again, taking off. As I rounded a corner, I pulled out my phone; dialing one person I knew who would come get me. I spat out the knife, holding it once again.

“Heidi!” I panted.

“Raine. Where are you?”

“You tell me, I’m sure my phone is chipped. Grab a car and come find me. I’m on the run.”

“Lucky for you I’m not at the mansion. I’ll come for you, just don’t get caught.”

I ended the call, shoving my phone back into my pocket. I hoped Heidi wasn’t far away; I couldn’t outrun the pair forever. Everyone runs out of gas sometime.

The alley ended, bringing me back into the busy night. I dove right into the busy streets, having angry honks thrown my way. I nearly missed a double-decker bus. Once I crossed the street, I panted, waiting to see Sherlock and/or John emerge from the alley.

I barely got a full minute’s rest, because there they were, searching for me. I saw John point in my direction, and Sherlock bolted into traffic. With an irritated, labored grunt, I took off once again.

My legs were starting to burn and feel like jelly. My lungs wanted me to rest a good five minutes before I collapsed. Everything was almost worn out except for my mind. Come on, Heidi.

I struck at a few more people before I felt someone grab my right arm. I swung around with my left, knife slashing at them. Whatever I’d hit made the person release my arm. I looked back to see Sherlock holding a hand over one of his cheeks. I smiled. You’re not really invincible, are you, Sherlock?

A loud honk of a car horn made me turn my head. A car had come to a jarring halt near the curb, almost rolling over it. I saw Heidi was in the driver’s side, popping the passenger’s door open.

“Come on!” she urged.

I slipped in, shutting the door. I rolled down the window to see Sherlock and John just about to reach us. I threw a smug smirk their way.

“Sorry, boys, another time!” I sang as Heidi sped away. I waved to them as we weaved our way through London traffic.

I rolled up the window, laughing hysterically. I slumped down in the seat, feeling very victorious and tired.

“Did you get it on him?” Heidi asked.

“Oh yeah. All I have to do is track him now.”

“I could have helped you if you’d asked me to.”

An Agent of Chaos (BBC Sherlock Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now