Part 1

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R= Rui en POV

E= Elvin POV

N= Nobody POV


Finally, my work here is done! I can finally get some good rest at home! 

walks to the car park to get her car

Why is Elvin standing next to my car?

E: Good evening

What do you want?

E: Dropped by to say hi and take a look at you gorgeous.

What? So naive

E: it's my job!


E: yes! and I take pride in it.

Can tell. Mr. Annoying. Go away and let me get into my car.

E: No way I'm leaving till you kiss me on the lips


E: I won't go then

I  raise my fists at him, but he won't budge. 

Fine, we'll do this the hard way.

Using as much strength as I can, I aim my fists towards his stomach and take a punch.

I stop.

What am I doing?

Elvin sees the look on my face and tries to escape

This time, I punch him hard. Real hard till he crouches to the floor.

What have I done?

I think nothing of it, snigger at him and drive out of the car park.

As I drive on, my face gets hotter and hotter to a point where I cannot take it anymore. I pull my car to the side of the road and examine my burning face. They are redder than tomatoes. 

My eyes tell me: Good job En, you nailed that punch

My mind tells me: En, what have you done. Elvin only cares for you.

Cares for me? A little over the top though. Or maybe......


I grimace in pain on the car park floor. That punch was really a good one. Oops, have I forgotten that she learned Muay Thai Boxing. Rule No. 1: Never mess with Rui En. Right, she also does Taekwondo in her new drama. Ouch, it hurts damn bad. This Rui En, her punches are worse than a serial killer's. 

I think of her face just now when her first punch stopped in mid-air. She hesitated. Not something Rui En would do. 

I rush to the toilet to change when the director calls me.  The moment I walk into the toilet, I see my pale face in the mirror. Shocked, I rush into the cubical. When I get my shirt off, I get the biggest shock of my life. My abs are there, sure, there's a red mark from the punch but there is blood flowing out rapidly from an old wound. I take some toilet paper and press it against the wound in an attempt to stop the bleeding. 

The first thought that came to my mind: Call the director, cancel the shoot, go to the hospital and phone En.

I decided to phone En first, after all, she had caused the punch and bleeding.

Hey En

R: Hey. You okay? I'm sorry.

Don't worry I'm fine. You?

R: Yeah, same. Sorry. I was venting anger but you were in my way so I vented on you

It's fine. I will be your punch bag as much as you like. Give you a shoulder to cry on, lend you a helping hand. I will be there for you.

R: Thank you, Elvin. Good luck for night filming.

No problem, always available for you. Turn in early! See you tomorrow.


After hanging up the phone,  I look at myself in the mirror and see the innocence in my eyes. For once, I feel sorry for Elvin. Why? I am starting to doubt myself. This is bad. This is so horrible. 

Why did I punch him? Who knows he might be hurting really badly.

Then I remember. 

The old wound around his stomach.

Oh no. Could I have punctured it?

His last words before hanging up: see you tomorrow.

Tomorrow? Right! Unriddle 3. We pair up in the drama, again. RuiVin. After so many years.

I dial Elvin's number into the keyboard. My fingers tremble as they press the call button.

E: Hello Rui En?

I am speechless. I hang up and click the message button instead.

Me: You okay?

E: More than okay.

Me: The wound?

E: How did you know?

Me: Sorry. Where are you? I can come over.

E: Alexandra hospital getting the wound done. 

Me: I'm coming over.

E: Don't bother.

Me: But it's my fault.

E: It's not. It was my fault I was in your way. But I'm happy you did so. I get to skip the night shoot tonight.

Me: I'm sorry. Thanks for being my punch bag.

E: Welcome! I will always be until the day I'm gone.

My heart starts beating like mad. My face grows hot again. I peer at my phone nervously.

E: Love you.

I drop my phone to the ground. It falls to the ground.  I stare at the phone on the ground and scream. I shut off my phone, so he will not call or text anymore.

There is a knock on my door.

Me: Who's that?

Person: En, are you okay?

Right, that's my Dad.

Me: Daddy, I'm fine.

Dad: Get to bed early okay? Love you.

My Dad has always been the one and only guy that I love but recently......

Whenever I'm with Elvin I feel anxious, my heart starts palpitating nervously, my face gets hot.

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