best jeanist x reader

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The day started out like any other, wake up at 7:30 a.m., make breakfast, and wake up your darling husband. And who is your husband? Well its tsunagu hakamata. Or to you, Tsu-kun.
Anyways this morning you woke up to realize your lover is gone. Walking downstairs in his button up you see a note.
'dear y/n, I had to go into work extra early. I'm sorry I didn't tell you last night, but it completely slipped my mind during our "activities";) I love you, have a great day!
                                            Love, tsunagu'

"Hmm, I guess since we didn't have breakfast we could have lunch together" you say aloud. Looking at the clock you see it's already 8. Deciding that it's much too early for lunch you decide to go shopping.
'oh! I can prepare lunch beforehand and then go shop' you smile to yourself and began to prepare some food.
'done!' After finishing the lunch you tied a cute bow on top that's made from denim.
Well, it's 9:30, I should head to the mall to get a new outfit.

*timeskip to the mall~*
After going to a couple shops and getting some new clothes, you see a new lingire store.
"Hmm, that looks like a nice store. I'm sure something in there will impress tsu-kun" you say to yourself.
As you begin to walk over you see a familiar face.
"Hey birdie!" You holler to none other the pro hero hawks. You two had met at a pro hero party and got along quiet well.
"Yo avatar, what's up?" (Hawks calls you that because of your element quirk as a joke)
"Nothing much, decided to do some shopping before going to see my husband. And you?"
"Ah I'm actually looking for some lingerie for my girlfriend" he responds with a light blush.
"Need help?" I offer. Hawks looks at me as of I am a saint.
"YES PLEASE!" he exclaims excitedly.
We begin to shop and we both find some stuff. I found denim panties with little studs on them with a denim bra with white lace going down my back.
Hawks found a cute set of angle wings lingerie in all white with a bow.
"Thanks for the help" he say as we begin our way out.
"No prob-ah!" I begin as I then trip.
Hawks quickly grabs me and we end up falling in a VERY compromising position.
We both look up to see photographers taking our picture.
Standing up quickly I shoo them off, knowing those pictures were gonna start trouble.
"Oh geez, I hope your girlfriend doesn't take those pictures the wrong way" you say to hawk.
"Nah, I just texted her to let her know and she said 'hahaha omg that's hilarious! Tell y/n senpai I said hi!' " He read aloud laughing.
We both laughed and said our goodbyes. Little did I know that picture was getting sent to my husband. To OF COURSE start drama.
' well I think it's time to go bring tsu-kun his lunch' you think with a smile on your face as you head home to grab the food.

*Best jeanist POV*
'oh geez, this brat really needs to learn' I think to myself while observing bakugo katsuki. "Bakugo, go get lunch with the other recruits. And come back with a better attitude" I tell him.
"BETTER ATTITUDE?! THE F***K YPU SAY?!!!" he screams.
The other recruits try to calm him down when one speaks up saying
"Uh best jeanist, sir, you might want to look at the TV.." He says nervous.
I look to see...
With hawks.
On top of her...
I glare at the TV when the news anchor begins to say "looks like the #4 is no longer her #1."
Suddenly the elevator door opens to reveal...Y/n.

*your POV*
As I step out of the elevator I notice all eyes on me. 'i hope they can't see my lingerie through this' you think as you observe your jean short shorts and black tank top.
You then look up at the TV to see the pictures from earlier.
"Oh god, I KNEW that would happen. Sorry babe, I fell and hawks fought me but he ended up falling too. Those damn papparazzi showed up amd are making it seem 'suspicious' " you explain.
Everyone nods and smiles knowing there would be a reasonable explanation.
Suddenly you look over to see..BAKUGO KATSUKI?! the little boy you used to babysit.
"Well I'll be ka-Chan, you're all grown up!" I exclaim as I gush at baking making him blush.
" oh I haven't seen you since you were 13! How's your parents?" You ask.
"Yeah yeah, they're fine. I just need to ask something though."
"Sure! What's up?"
Laughter begins to double inside of you until you can't hold it anymore.
"Haha Haha"
"Hey, I'd like to think I'm perfectly capable of getting a beautiful women to love me" best Jeanist counters.
"Beautiful or not miss y/n is different" backup states.
I giggle giving bakugo a kiss on the cheek saying "you're sweet, now just say that to that girl you like"
"How did you know I liked someone?!" He questions
I shoo him of with no answer along with the others.
Once everyone is gone it's just Tsu-kun and I.
"Sorry about that dear, so how wa-" your cut off before you can finish by a pair of familiar lips.
Tsu-kun pulls back and says "I know that picture isn't bad but what they said is"
"What'd they say?"
"Stuff about me not being your #1 and you going for a 'younger model' " he states with a pout.
Best jeanist
Is pouting😂
"My my, I never thought I'd see the day where THE best jeanist is pouting AND jealous" I claim with a smirk.
"Oh shush" he says while moving his hair back perfectly.
I then open my bag to show him what I brought.
"Here babe, thought you might like this" you say handing him his lunch.
He smiles at you, taking your hand and bringing you into his office.
"So how DID you know he liked someone?"
"Oh he has the same look in his eyes as you did when we started dating" you say with a grin.
It ou both laugh and then you smirk and get up to lock his office door.
"Y/n? What are you up too?"
"Wouldn't you like dessert?"
He smirks when you take your shirt off.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2018 ⏰

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