Patrick was ruffling his hair dry with a small towel, bare-chested and with a towel hung rather loosely on his hips. Even if he was a few feet away from you, you could see small droplets of water on his torso. It was your first time to see him without his eyeglasses on, and it made him look even hotter. And there it was, the six-pack abs that you’ve already seen last week, now being shown again right in front of you, just waiting to be savoured and touched—

“Can I help you?” you heard him ask you, making you snap back into reality.

You realized that you’ve been gawking at him as if you were some kind of hungry bear finally seeing a prey after weeks of waiting. You immediately looked up at his face, only finding out that he was looking at you already. You were so sure that you were flushed, your cheeks undoubtedly red in embarrassment – and arousal, but you were trying not to think about that – as you attempted to smile at him instead.

‘Oh, God. He’s just so hot,’ you thought as a fire in between your legs had started igniting. You rubbed your thighs together discreetly to ease it a little, but it wasn’t working at all. ‘Shit.’

That was the very first time that you’ve been aroused by him, and to think that he wasn’t even doing anything to you.

“Um, n-no,” you cleared your throat. “I-I mean, yes! It’s just that, um, I’ve been thinking…”

He was starting to make his way towards you, and you weren’t exactly sure of what to do. You wanted to run and hide in your bedroom, probably transfer to another university the next day and forget about it – but no, you had to do it. You wanted to talk to him, and you had to finish what you had started.

“Y-You’re Patrick Stump, right?” you asked him, just to check.

‘Oh wow. For almost a year that you’ve been living in the same dormitory with this guy, it’s your first time to ask your roommate what his name is? Just… wow.’

Patrick nodded as he placed the small towel over his shoulder. “Yes, that’s me,” he answered you.

“I’ve been thinking, Patrick,” you began, trying out to let his name roll on your tongue smoothly, nibbling your lower lip as you tried to form a whole sentence before asking him in hesitation, “We’ve been roommates for, uh, nearly a year now… And… I-I was just wondering why you’re not talking to me?”

He chuckled softly, making you blush even more. You felt really stupid for asking him that. You regretted bursting out your question to him, but you never expected his reply. “I was actually about to ask you that,” Patrick told you. “I’ve been thinking about that in the shower just a few minutes ago.”

Your eyebrow arched up in surprise. ‘What does he even mean?!’ “Sorry, but… You… what?”

Patrick smiled, leaning closer to you. “I’ve been wondering that very same thing for months now.”

Averting your gaze from him, you turned your eyes sideways, looking at the closed bathroom door over his shoulder instead, biting your lip unconsciously. “B-But I thought that you didn’t wanna talk to me…”

“Why wouldn’t I wanna talk to you?” he asked you. You didn’t answer (because you weren’t so sure of what to say), which probably made him smile at you, making you fixate your eyes back to him. “Look, I’ve been waiting for signs. I was waiting for you to start talking to me first because I don’t know how to start a conversation with you.”

He reached for your hair and tucked a loose lock behind your ear. He then moved his fingertips to your face, cupping your cheek. “I’ve always wanted to tell you that I like you,” Patrick whispered to you as he stared at you straight in the eyes. “I just wasn’t so sure how to tell you.”

You Should've Taught Me Such Naughty Things.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن