Chapter Three

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I didn't see anything unusual for the rest of the night. My mother never came home. Amy slept in my room that night. My idea.

We stayed up really late. Not talking or doing anything in particular, just lying in bed. At one in the morning I finally gave up and pulled a chair in front of the window. I stared out into the night and my younger sister joined me.

That morning, I opened the bedroom door for breakfast. Amy was fast asleep. I didn't sleep much the whole night. I was eating my cereal when there was a knock at the door.

I got up, and remember the fear jolting through me for a split second, right when I opened the door. You don't forget that sort of fright.

A lady, who I know I've never met, stood there. I tried being polite, asking if she was looking for anyone in particular.

"Mackenzie Jacklynn?"

I swallowed, and it felt like a sharp, pointy rock going down my throat.

"Y-yes." I stutter.

She lets herself inside, which sends many thoughts into my mind. Who is she? What she is doing? What's in that huge purse she carries?

She sets in on the dining room table, and slowly unzips it. As she does so, she speaks. "Mackenzie, there's a dark presence that I have tracked for many years coming to this house. I hope in not late, and I certainly hope I'm not early, how awkward would that be?"

I can tell she's trying to get me to laugh for it's not working well.

"Mackenzie, dear. Do you know of this presence?" She looks at me.

I do. I do know of it.

To już koniec opublikowanych części.

⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Aug 30, 2014 ⏰

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