The Beginning Part 1

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CHAPTER ONE (The Beginning)

This is how I became a superhero!

You would wonder why or how I became a hero in this my little country with just two weather seasons. It was cold one sunny afternoon which was obviously weird in one of the provinces in the black region. There was a shake but it didn't feel like an earthquake though, and it felt different... "Who cares," I said to myself. Later in the afternoon, I went out for a walk, along the way I walked past a site that was left to rot after an exploration of a mineral we heard nothing about turned fatal. Mostly I would walk past it but that day I wanted to know what they were mining. It was fenced with wire gauze and a huge padlock on it. Climbing it wouldn't be ideal so I decided to break the lock, I looked around and spotted a rock I could use, I picked it up and smashed it on the padlock and it broke open on the first try. "Weird but it looked new well maybe nothing is what it seems," I said to myself. Before I go on let me give you a view of how the community looks like. Just imagine a city built by the British in one of the countries they colonized in which they lived. Yeah, something like that.

Somewhere in Another universe

"Come on this must work maybe increasing the speed would do the trick... alright if you wouldn't work fine am out but am not done with you yet" he throws tantrums and leaves the room. Just after he leaves the room a coffee he was drinking spill onto the machine he was working on immediately it sparks into flame but a wormhole appears. Was it the result he was looking for?

My earth

Back to our normal world, this place feels cooled and dump, weird. I walked deeper into the cave-like building, I reached a junction with pathways, one to the left and the other to the right. "Okay, which way should I go, left or right? Maybe I should go home, nah! Left it is. So it's a dead end but something weird happens, a wormhole. "What is this?" I asked myself. It's a bridge that connects two spaces that are separated into billions of light years or another universe dummy. I hear voices, "where could this be coming from, who are they what are they, where does this lead to? I have to check this out" I walked towards it I tripped on a stone and in I fell.

At the other side

"Hey babe where have you been and what are you wearing?" Said a lady in deep red lipstick. "Excuse me do I know you?" I asked. "Do you know me? Look, mister, I am not going to leave again so you would spend all your time working on that space bridge thing." She nagged. "Err rm!" I mumbled. "Hey babe I am home, and who are you? Said a guy who looks exactly like me. "Babe who is this impostor? "Asked the man who just entered? "He looks like you, not me, "said the woman in red lipstick. "Can I say something?" I asked. "Yes sure," they chorused. I entered a black turning wormhole in an abandoned mine, it was a mistake actually. I tripped and fell in wouldn't say on purpose but I would have entered anyway. "A wormhole? Wow! It worked, but how?" come on let us go into my lab I will show you what am talking about," Said the other me.

At the lab

"Where could this be?" Said in a hissing voice. What is this thing? I think they drink from it. Said another in that same voice. "You idiots that's where they shit." The last one replied. "I don't know the idiot who left the wormhole open. "Still the last guys hissing voice. "Hey who are you, people? "Asked the smart me. "You are the ass that left the wormhole open," said the leader of the gang I think. These guys were different they look exactly the same, they had snakeheads weird looking fingers. They were dressed like assassins with all their gadgets hanging around them. One thing that caught my eye was their glasses, it was one-eyed and the other side without the patch was actually in their eye. The part with the patch obviously not a patch but a glass looking triangular shaped thingy. It sometimes changes color at the moment I was busily staring at him it was red. "Do you know what you have done?" Asked angrily one of them. "What have we done" asked the smart me. "Well I don't think it was we, because I have nothing to do with any of this", I said aloud. "We are after a couple of indiscriminate whose presence we feel is stronger in this region." Said again their leader.

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