The only part lol

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"Faceache. Faceache. FACEACHE! WAKE UP!"

2D pov:
My eyes twitch open. I sit up to find Murdoc sitting on my bed. How long has he been there? I shouldn't worry about these things. He can clearly see that I'm now awake but chooses not to say anything. He calmy motions me to stand up. I'm only wearing my boxers but I do what I'm told to do. Because that's what's expected. "Pretty boy, we're going to breakfast. We'll be back in a few so hang tight. I expect you to clean up and get dressed by the " now awake but chooses not to say anything. He calmy motions me to stand up. I'm only wearing my boxers but I do what I'm told to do. Because that's what's expected. "Pretty boy, we're going to breakfast. We'll be back in a few so hang tight. I expect you to clean up and get dressed by the time we're back." I nod.
He goes off and leaves me in my room. He seemed scared? Of what I'm not clear but there must be something. He just acted, out the ordinary. I get up to my drawers to find a outfit where I find an already made one. It even has a really cool blur shirt. I unfold the pants of the well picked outfit choices and to my surprise , I find a note. It's an old post it. On the front , in pen, writes " 2-D." I open it.

Note pov:

I just wanted to sayf that your my mannn
And that I'm sorry that I take my anger out on yuo. Your so pretty that I knew from day oen that I had a front mann. A signer. A good one too. I'm very very very drunk at the moment but I pinky promise that when I'm soober that I will give thus to you. I promise. I love you. Night. Bye.
          Mudz xxx

I smile at his drunkeness and notice something on the back. Two tickets to the new zombie movie that I wanted to see! I'm starting to feel better than i did yesterday. Well, what he did. I still have the cuts and the bruises. I call murdoc and wait for him to return my call. After 4 tries, he picks it up.

Phone pov:

" Ello who is dis? "
'is 2D."
"I'm sorry about last night i-
"'s okay.... "
"It's really not. Just ... "
"I got de note"
"Oh. Apparently drunk murdoc can be abusive and loving, eh?"
" How ar you doin mate"
"Did chu mean any of dat stuff you said."
"Dentz, I already told you. I'm sorry!"
"Not dat."
"haha..... Then what?"
"Mu'doc. Do you ac'ually love me?"
"Oh er, that er, is a good question that we will discuss when I get home! Chow!"


I get the outfit that mudz arranged and put on my Converse shoes. I wipe the kitchen counters, dust the corners and sweep the floor. I'm like their slave. More like his slave . I never say anything though. That would get me beat.

I finish working and hop on the couch, grab some chips and watch a TV show. I don't know exactly which one but it's one that wasn't that memerable. They come back at around 2, making the breakfast story almost unbelievable. But I don't question. Noodle and Russ sneak off to their rooms, but murdoc stays with me downstairs. Watching stupid reality tv.

"So , uh. About the question. That you , er, asked me."
I turn my head towards him.
"Check the details for the tickets I got ya."
I go upstairs and grab the post-it. 9:00 at Shelly's drive in. Wait.
"Yor ac'ually takin me to a car movie ting?"
He nods with a smile 
My face turns red as a big smile forms on my face.
"Tank you!"
I say as I hug him.
His body is stiff, but soon thaws out to hug me back. We stay like this for what seems like a long time, just hugging. I break out of the hug .
" Tank you, tank you tank you!"
I stare into his eyes as our faces are about 2 inches apart from one another. I giggle.
"I better get lunch. It's two after all."
"I's almost time fo dinna, let alone lun'ch."
He turns away, kinda blushing. It's sorta cute?
"I'll go ma'e it."
"I think I got it."
"Oh okay."
He walks over to the kitchen, grabbing stuff and leaving the fridge open. He's so messy, but he makes it look good. I ask what he's making.
"Grilled cheese."
"Ya look a bit scattered , Mudz. Lemme help"
"I'm fine, really. You can trust me , Dentz"
I let him make the sandwiches as I go to my messy bedroom and play Mario Kart on my 2Ds. Fitting name if you ask me. Part of the reason noodz got it for me. She's basically my sister. An hour passes as I'm greeted with the blaring sound of the smoke detector. Oh mudz. I should have helped him.
I look outside of my tiny bedroom to see Russ and Noodle. Noodle is covering her ears as Russ stomps towards the kitchen. He looks pissed off. He gives me a confused, angry sign and I nod in confusion. I know one thing I'll never do again.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2018 ⏰

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