In the morning Gabriel and Jack split up to meet their future teammates. Jack went to meet the doctor and Gabriel went to meet the Crusader.

Gabriel walked into a run down pub and sat at the bar. Their were several men around him drinking beer and laughing at one another. They were huge, practically giants compared to him. The bar tender spoke.

"You're not from around here are ya. You American?"

"I'm looking for Reinhardt. Seen him?"

A deep booming voice and heavy footsteps came up behind him.

"Commander Reinhardt Wilhelm to you."

Gabriel turned and looked up to a man with blonde hair. He was wearing an eye patch.

"You must be Commander Reyes."

"Yes Reinhardt. I am putting together a special elite team called overwatch to stop the omnic crisis. You'll become a becon of hope to the world and be serving for your country."

Reinhardt chuckled.

"I already serve for my country Commander."

"You'd be serving for so much more."

Gabriel looked him dead in the eyes. Reinhardt took a deep breath and stood tall.

"I accept."

"It will be an honor to serve with you Morrison."

"The honor is mine. Thankyou for joining Angela. Commander Reyes should be arriving soon. Youre quarters will be upstairs in the main hangar."

"Thankyou Commander Morrison."

"Oh please Ms. Ziegler, just call me Jack."

"Then you can just call me Angela or doctor...please."

"Heh, will do."

"Commander Morrison, Comander Reyes is docking in the hanger."

Jack and Angela quickly turned to see where that voice came from.

"What the hell was that?!"

"I am Athena the Overwatch data base super computer. How can I help you?"

"Uh, I-I don't need anything right now."

"Very well."

"That was weird."

They met Gabriel at the bay. Reinhardt followed behind.

"Angela, this is Commander Gabriel Reyes."

"It's good to have you on the team Angela." Gabriel said shaking Angela's hand she smiled warmly. "This is Reinhardt. He'll be joining the team as well."

"It's good to meet you Reinhardt."

"You too Ms. Angela."

"This is my second in command. Jack Morrison."

"Commander Morrison. I can't wait to work with you."

"I'll show you both to your rooms then Reinhardt I will need you to come with me to Egypt. Consider it your first mission."

"Sure thing Commander Reyes."

Reinhardt finished settling in and took off on a ship with Gabriel to Egypt.

"What exactly are we doing here Reyes?"

"Picking up another teammate."


"Her name is Ana Amari. She is a sniper in the Egyptian army. Best in her class."

They landed the ship and walked into a small town. They went into the main plaza that was full of shops and people. Gabriel and Reinhardt pushed their way through the crowd.

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