PART 1 (Something Tragic)

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Angelus Spring – He is a smart boy with very high emotions, he loves the piano, likes to watch anime and he also loves to draw. He is an introvert, which means he doesn't socialize, he's a boy who would usually be alone in class, but he's a very kind and charming child.

Angel Spring – She is a kind child, who loves to play with everyone and she brightens up your day with just a simple smile, she always enjoys life to its fullest, she is always happy in everything she does, and she is Angelus's sister.

Violet Spring – She is Angel and Angelus's mother and she works as an animator and voice actor at Studio Pierrot (an anime company). She is kind, caring and a fun-loving person and a child of God.

Westley Spring - He is Angelus and Angels father, he is a pianist and he also works as a CEO at Studio Pierrot. He has a heart of gold and everyone he works with loves him, he's the kind of person you can always rely on.



On July 22nd, 1995 a couple had their wedding. The name of the woman was Violet Spring and her husbands name is Westley Spring. This couple was together since high school and they had been anticipating this day for quite some time, to finally be together they were very happy.

About two years later they finally decided to have their first child, and two months later Violet found out that she was pregnant, the two of them were so happy and excited, they told everyone they knew and started buying clothes for their baby, they knew that the baby was going to be a girl, so they looked for the cutest clothes they could find, they also started to design the baby's room, they thought that the colour yellow would suit their baby girl because they wanted her to have a bright personality.

Violet happily sang songs and read stories to her unborn child waiting for the wonderful day when her baby is finally born. Nearing close to her due date she stopped going to church and stayed home because she was now unable to move around a lot, she also prayed for a successful delivery.

The day had finally come, April 6th, it was the day she was due to deliver, she was now in labor and after 5 hours of excruciating pain she finally gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, but the doctors told them that the baby wasn't that healthy and that they don't know how long her life span may be but be prepared for the road ahead. They named the baby Angel because she truly did look as beautiful as an angel and they thought she was an angel.

After two weeks of rest she finally started going back to church and introducing her baby to everyone, she was very happy to have had a baby like Angel.

Now two years had past and beautiful Angel was walking and talking, she said her first word at 1 year and 6 months and it was love, when her parents heard her say love they were so happy and amazed to hear that her first word was love and now at the age of 2, she was a bright ray of sunshine always trying to brighten up everyone's day and everyone that saw her smile just adored her.

She was also a very smart child, she was already trying to read and do math, her parents knew she would one day become a really great person, a person known for their great skills and intelligence, she was also the kind of child that would see you sad and try her best to make you smile.

She really enjoyed painting and drawing with her mother and her mother loved to see that sweet smile on her face, she also liked to play games with her dad, those were the best days of their lives, but they weren't prepared for what would happen next.

Three months before her third birthday Angel fell gravely ill, she had gotten a new disease and doctors didn't know a cure for it, they tried everything but they just couldn't cure it, and Angel was getting worse and worse by the minute, her parents came up to her bed and looked at her and she said: Mom am I going to die, and If I do die will I become a real angel, if I become an angel then maybe the name you gave me may have been faith, then she smiled.

Her mom looked at her with tears in her eyes and said: you sure are wise for a 2-year-old, her daughter smiled and her father was crying even more than her mother and then he finally came over to his daughter and said: "Honey you will make it no Matter what, I don't want to loose my first child, but if the outcome ends up being bad just remember that you will always be in our hearts".

And then she said: PAPA!!, I don't wanna die, while crying uncontrollably and he hugged her tightly and tried to comfort her and then their beautiful baby girl closed her eyes and died in his arms, and then Violet and him started to cry very loud and uncontrollable.

The doctors rushed in and saw the dead child and just said: I'm sorry we couldn't help her. With their baby now gone, they fell into deep depression, the funeral was one week after her death, she had died on September 11th, 2000.

On the day of her funeral, there was a terrible down poor of rain, persons said even heaven was mourning for her, on her grave it said here lies a beautiful baby girl that brought happiness to all around her.

Violet and Westley were depressed for four years after that and barely ever communicated with anyone during that period, they also had to go to counselling for it, but now they are slowly coming back into society (they were still working the whole time, just not interacting with others)

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