Wait... That was a what?

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I was walking through the woods alone to get away from everyone when I heard a branch starting to snap above me. When I looked up in the direction of the sound, I didn't see anything there, so I looked around at the other trees. Still, I saw nothing. I continued to walk through the woods and between the trees. I continued on for awhile before I saw movement in the trees around me. I decided to ignore it, thinking it was just a squirrel or bird, not seeing its size.

I continued on until I got near a cliff about 15,000 feet above rocks that laid at the bottom. While looking at the rocks, I noticed that a lot of them were sharp and pointy and could kill anyone that fell down there. As I was looking down there, I heard something large drop to the ground.

I turned around to see my exgirlfriend, Talia, slowly stalking my way. She slowly walked towards me, an evil look in here eyes. She was wearing her usual leggings and reveling top while wearing heels. How the hell was she up in the trees in those? I thought.

"Thought you could get away from me, I see. But, you can't, now. Looks like you're kind of trapped here, Marcus," she said, smirking. She took a step closer to me, almost touching my face with her extended hand. I stepped to the side, almost tripping over my own feet. She followed my sidestep with her own.

I ended our relationship because she was controlling and possessive. She was constantly checking up on me, saying who I can and can't hangout with, was always hanging onto my arm while we were around each other, glared at any girl who even looked my way. Everything. I felt trapped with her. She took the breakup really hard the first night. But, I heard from a friend that the night after I broke up with her, she hooked up with someone the first chance she got. Now, here she stood. In front of me with this crazy look in her eyes.

"What do you want?" I asked in a strong voice, even though on the inside I was scared because I was standing near the edge of a cliff.

"Payback," she replied with an evil smirk across her face. I looked into her deep blue eyes and just saw something evil hidden within them. I didn't see any good. Clearly, she wasn't happy to see me.

"What for? I did nothing wrong."

"You did nothing wrong," she scuffed. "You broke my heart! And, for what? To be alone? To never have anyone love you like I did?"

"You didn't love me. You were controlling and possessive. I'm not sure if you loved me. Ever. You just wanted someone to latch onto and call yours. That's not love."

She slapped me as hard as she could across the face, causing me to almost take a step back off the cliff. "I did love you! How could you not see that?"

She took another steps towards me and I quickly went around her to get away from the cliff before I fell off. I stared at her, to watch her every move. And, she glared at me, waiting for the next moment to attack. I quickly glanced around, trying to find a weapon of some sort. Next thing I know, Talia is pouncing my way, but I quickly jump out of the way and dodge her.

I watch as she falls to the ground, her head not touching the ground. I took a few steps back farther away from her. I watched her closely as she slowly pulled something from her pocket with an evil smirk on her face. She stood up and I saw the object in her hand shine against the setting sun. She raised the knife and tried to take a swing at me, missing.

"Funny. I don't remember you being the payback type of person," I said, stepping back farther.

"Funny. You don't seem to know a lot about me," she said, smirking. "I've cheated on you. I was just dating you from a stupid bet. But, I did fall for you after awhile. I just didn't want to admit it to myself. But, when you broke up with me, I felt it. And, I knew I could no longer deny it." She slowly walked towards me while she spoke. Now, we were basically toe to toe, looking each other dead in the eyes.

"Why did you do it if it was just a bet? It's not like you needed money or anything. You had it all. Money. Popularity. Everything. You could have absolutely any guy you want, why was I the victim of the bet?" I basically spat at her.

"They thought it would be funny. We all saw the way you looked at me. So, we made a bet. I just had to get you to say 'I love you' and I won the bet. But, you never said it. So, I lost the bet. And, pictures my friends had of me got released. It's all your fault. Now, you will pay." She quickly lunged herself at me with the knife in her hand. I quickly moved and grabbed the knife from her hand, holding it out, pointing it at her.

"It's not my fault. Plus, I never looked at you a certain way. It was this one girl that was behind you that wasn't part of your group. You only noticed I was looking when she was around. I said yes to you because I felt bad. I hears rumors from people that guys used you as a sex toy." I smirked as I saw the look in her eyes grow more hate filled.

She lunged at me again, this time hitting me in the stomach, causing me to fall and hit the ground. I looked around quickly and noticed that we weren't far from the edge of the cliff. I guess she noticed that, too, since the smirk on her face grew. She quickly flipped us over, then over again, causing me to go over the edge.

I held onto her, though, causing her to go, too. She tried grabbing onto the side of the cliff, but it was too far from her to grab. She looked at me, glaring.

"What?" I asked her.

"This is you're fault! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be falling!" she yelled.

"I did nothing. I just held onto you as you pushed me." I looked down, seeing bones and fresh bodies everywhere. I heard Talia scream as her body hit the rocks first. Then, I felt something sharp go into my back.

I quickly sat up in bed, breathing quickly. I looked around and saw my cat on my bed, probably the pain I felt. I realized that the horrible thing that just happened to me was just a bad dream. I didn't really fall off a cliff, or fight with Talia.

A/N: Tell me what you think, please. And, vote for it if you liked it. Hopefully, there will be more one-shots. I have another started, but it's on my laptop. I wrote this one on my phone. But, thanks for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2014 ⏰

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