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hello everyone

I would like to inform you that today, September 10th, is national suicide prevention day.

I am here to talk
Or to listen
Or whatever it is you need in order to feel even just a little better

that applies everyday, but especially today, a day to recognize that suicide is a real issue people deal with. You might know someone considering suicide. You might have known someone who has committed suicide.

Today is a day to remember those who have left us because of this, and a day to prevent it happening more. Take care of others, listen to their feelings, their problems because chances are? You just made sure they lived another day, another week, another year.
And hey! You need someone to listen to? Look around. Those people are there.

Talk to friends, family, even strangers can be the easiest solution sometimes, but find a way of letting it out matters. We're here for you.

Thank you for being you,

And thank you in advance for helping yourself and others.

- Emil

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