Protective (BubblesxVarious)

Start from the beginning

"Ah! H-hey..." She began to feel incredibly awkward, trying to push him off she was already having trouble not falling down from his weight.

"HEY POSER!" Buttercup came racing towards him, her fist in perfect place to pack a hard punch.

"Wait, Buttercup-!"


She punched the side of his cheek, knocking him over to the side, landing on the floor. A tooth got knocked out, which had fallen in front of Buttercup's foot, which she grimaced at.

"Buttercup!!" Bubbles screamed, mad. "You didn't have to do that! He was drunk! He didn't even know what he was doing!"

"That's what they all say. I saved you."

Bubbles rolled her eyes. "Thanks, but I could've handled this myself."

She walked over to him, holding his face with both hands, and turned his head towards her.

"Are you alright?"

He smiled, his teeth showing, which revealed the missing tooth over to the top at the right.

"That was radical...!" He replied, sounding even more slurred, and a bit funny because of his missing tooth. "I can't wait to tell everybody I got into a fight with a Puff."

A distance away, she heard the snickering and laughing of a group. She glanced over to see a few familiar faces, Mitch and Butch, but the others she didn't recognize. She glared, and looked back down.

"A fight you lost?" Buttercup scoffed.

"What do you mean? I got her so fast that I went faster than time and blew myself away down here..."

He didn't even comprehend that he was talking to Buttercup herself. How much booze did he drink?

"Hey, don't always listen to what your friends tell to you to do."

"But why? They always look out for me..!"

Bubbles frowned, pitying him.

Buttercup knew those guys, they never had good intentions, and they always used this boy's innocence and not so bright mind to their advantage.

"And it's always so I get something good at the end!"

"What did they say you'd get?"

"A kiss! I didn't want to, but then they said I couldn't do it...that I was too chicken. They're always making fun of me...I wanted to prove 'em wrong..."

Bubbles sympathetically looked at him, looking back up at the group of boys and back down at the boy.

"What's your name?"

"Bbrmm...merv. Boom boom...Booooooooooommmerrrrrr."

Buttercup's eyes widened as she came up with what Bubbles was going to do.

"Well Boomer, I think you'll get that kiss tonight."

She wouldn't, would she?

She leaned in, and pecked his cheek.


His face lit up, glowing red and smiling like a madman.

A glass fell, breaking as it hit the floor, and Bubbles and Buttercup both turned to see Butch choking on air in disbelief, and Mitch still in the same pose when he had the drink in his hand, mouth gaped open. One of the boys with them spit out their punch.

"UGH! GROSS RANDY!!" A girl shrieked that was nearby, the punch spit almost splashing onto her.


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