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Jughead's p.o.v.

"Since we're going back to Riverdale tomorrow let's go back to that cafe," Mantle suggested and I sent him a glare before responding. "That vegan cafe? Hell no I want a burger," I reply coldly and he slightly shoved my arm. "One time Jones, for old time sakes," he tried to ask again and I cave before sighing as I grabbed my jacket. Typical blue jean jacket with a black plaid shirt and black ripped jeans to finish it off, sure I dressed typical for someone who has a nice net worth.

We arrived at the vegan cafe, the first place we visited when we arrived at New York. We both needed a break from success; me and Archie at first. Our lives sucked before we met each other! I was living in a trailer park with my alcoholic dad that was in a gang; the serpents. Forgetting their name was hard to do, especially since I found out about these serpents the day my mom took Jellybean; my sister. And moved to stay with my grand parents. Archie was sorta wealthy but struggling, we both met and became sorta friends at first and I realized my love for writing as he realized his love for singing.

I wrote the songs and played the guitar/bass while he sang; we were an instant success from preforming outside of Pops to inside of Pops to getting a record deal as the River Boys. Soon Archie met a girl named Betty while we were packing to go to New York where our record deal's headquarters was. I couldn't give up the opportunity to leave this town but Archie; he was in love with the Betty girl, who was I to tell him not to go after her. The day we had to leave Archie backed out and stayed at Riverdale; giving up his singing act completely. What a shame.

I later met Reggie who could sang and play the drums; a savor I'm gonna call him. We argued at times but our bond was strong; he replaced Archie in the band but Arch still had a place in my heart. He always will, he's like a brother to me. We both went to New York for performances and came to this cafe to get away; even though I felt guilty since I'm not a vegan nor am I a vegetarian but this place seemed cool and chill. Plus no one recognized us which made it even better, after all; who'd suspect two bulky guys to stay at vegan cafes? Exactly. No one...

I was staring out the window when a raven haired beauty passed by, going to the door. My eyes followed her until she looked at me; I immediately looked away because maybe her and her friends I'm guessing might know us. I heard the red head exclaim and I really hoped they wouldn't approach us, but. I couldn't stop looking at the black haired mistress as she stared at me. I sent her small and subtle glances until I was snapped out of my thoughts by Mantle. "She's getting up, go try to talk to her," he cut my thoughts off and I scoffed at him in response.

"As if! She was staring at me this entire time and I thought she might've been a fan" I quickly replied and dusted off my pants before getting up and walking toward the counter. "Get her number!" I heard Mantle yell in a whisper and I flipped him off before turning and bumping into someone. I had somewhat quick reflexes so I took the milkshake and caught the fragile frame with my other arm, it was like a princess and prince dance move where the prince dipped the princess carefully then picked her back up I guess.

I realized it's the girl and quickly looked over at Mantle who had his jaw dropped in shock before he began to mouth kiss her;oh shut the hell up Mantle. I looked back toward the girl and admired her face more as now I could actually get into detail with her. I looked back up at her eyes just in time as she pierced her lips open slowly and as soon as she gazed upon my eyes our glances locked. "Most girls fall into my arms but you're the first that's literally fallen into my arms," I smirked as my attitude seemed to piss her off, making me deeply proud to anger her so much. She fumed in anger as she shoved me away and snatched the milkshake out of my hands as she stood straight on her feet.

"As if! I just tripped," she looked like she struggled to say and I widened my smirk at how she gulped when she finished. "Well don't pretend like you don't know who I am," I proudly spoke; it took me a lot of hard work to get where I am and I wasn't giving that up. Her anger seemed to increase by ten as she looked at me through squinted eyes. "You terrible son of a douche, no! I have no clue who you are! My friend does however you might just know her brother since you're so popular! Jason Blossom?! Ring a bell?! Of course it doesn't because you're too cocky to even know other popular people you spoiled little rich boy!" She snapped and my smirk fell.

"I'm actually a very close friend of Jason Blossom," I winked at her with a smirking smile before walking away back to Mantle, that was an interesting conversation. "Damn she's feisty!" Reggie made a face in awe and I rolled my eyes but chuckled at him. "Whatever," I shrug as I bite the vegan burger I ordered from here.

"Hey, could I have her since you don't seem to care?" He asks and I send him a cold glare. "No Mantle, she's mine. She just doesn't know it yet," I ended the last part quietly as I took another bite of my burger before sending her another glance. "How do you even know you're ever gonna see her again?" He asks and I send him a smirk. "Well while she was calling me a rich snob she brung up Jason Blossom. Who, as we both know... was only popular as Jason Blossom in Riverdale. Now he is trendy as Jason B. Which means she's a chick from Riverdale, she'll have to be going there like us," I smile at my study and he sends me an impressed nod before taking his fry and sticking it into his mouth.

Veronica's p.o.v.
"You did not! Just curse at Jughead Jones" Cheryl seemed pissed as she sent me her cold glare which I returned with a basic nod. "He literally caught you like you were some princess!" Toni ranted about her fantasies and I rolled my eyes at the thought. "Yea then he said that I was a fan that tried to get with him, disgusting," I make a face in disgust before sitting next to Cheryl. I looked back over to this douche; aka Jughead and our glances meet. He gave me a little wink with a playful smirk and I rolled my eyes at him but still, a smile tried its best to force itself onto my face.

"Okay we should go before these calories set in" Cheryl states and I snapped myself out of my thoughts before looking at her and smiling, I was slightly bummed that it would be my last time seeing him. We tossed away our trash and I excused myself to the ladies room because; that protein shake didn't really go down well with the vegan nachos. I walked over to the bathrooms and went in, doing my business and coming out to wash my hands when I have a text.

Red Queen❤️👑: Come on V, we're waiting out here!

Me: Wait a minute I need to wash my hands!!

I turn off my phone and stick it into my pocket before cleaning my hands, leaving the bathroom as I shook my hands to let them dry quicker. As soon as I stepped out of the bathroom my eyes once again met with the douche and I felt a blush creep up onto my cheeks so I did what anyone else would've done... jetted towards the door in a quickly yet orderly fashion!

"Slow down!" Toni caught me as I almost fell. "Sorry just, lets go," I smile before walking with her and Cheryl to the gym, I was gonna miss this life because tomorrow! We go to Riverdale...
To Be Continued. . .

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