"Ready boss lady." He said back. I closed the doors and headed to James's room. He wasn't there. I sighed. I walked across the hall to mine and was startled to see James in my dressing room. He smirked.

"Hey." He smiled. I smiled back and walked in closing the door.

"What's up?" I asked him. He smiled.

"Just wanted to see what my love was going to wear as her everyday look." He said. I giggled and showed him. He looked down at his own clothing; a blue and white long baseball looking top with jeans and converse. "Am I not dressy enough?" He asked. I shook my head.

"No. You look perfect. I don't dress like this?" I asked James holding up the outfit on the hanger. He shook his head. He pointed at another outfit on a rack across the room.

"That is what you dress like everyday." James said. I looked at it, a sheer yellow tank top, with a white tank top underneath, with a white cardigan, dark wash jeans, and slip on shoes. I giggled and shook my head.

"You brought that from home." I told him pushing him. He chuckled.

"I ran home actually, because I came in here, saw what they had for you to wear, and then had to get something better. Now go change." James said. I blushed.

"Okay." I said kissing his cheek. I changed into the outfit and did feel at home in it. James and I walked out and I started knocking on the doors of everyone to let them know it was time to go.

"Alright, Carlos is first." I said from the directors chair as they started rolling. "Define perfection." I told him.

"My wife." Carlos said smiling like a goof ball. "Really, all the things she does for me is amazing. She is always ready to cook if needed, she is always looking after me and cleaning things for me. She's even blessing me with the honor of becoming a dad." Carlos smiled making me smile.

"Do you think society's idea of perfection is dead on or dead off?" I asked him. He thought a moment.

"Perfection is subjective, what is wrong with society is they don't invite other opinions into their own and they believe you either believe what they do or you're wrong." He answered.

"Perfect. Now we will shoot you doing what you're known for." I smiled as the camera pulled back and Carlos stood from the chair and a crew guy took it away. He then flew a mini helicopter around that'd we soon slow down for the commercial. Then it was Alexa who wanted to go next.

"Alright, define perfection." I told her. She thought a moment.

"Perfection is when you know something is worth fighting for or worth being around. You feel like the perfect thing or person can do no wrong." She said smiling at Carlos.

"Do you agree with society when it comes to perfection?" I asked her. She shook her head.

"I believe perfection is about your own being. You could think one person or thing is perfect, but then someone else is saying it's awful. It isn't about what is on the outside anyway, it's what is inside and if you can feel wonderful with that perfect object." Alexa said confidently. I nodded smiling.

"Alright, John." I said after we filmed Alexa simply rubbing her baby bump for this commercial. John nodded and sat down.

"Define perfection." I told him.

"The innocent in people is perfection, whether that's when you meet an untainted child or when an adult has a piece of childhood within them." John said. I smiled proudly at my brother.

"Do you think society's definition is correct?" I asked him.

"No. Of course not. People believe what they want when it comes to society. People are in such a rush nowadays to do things, such as find love or get to know people that they don't realize that taking it slow not judging by the outside of the package, you might miss something perfect in the simplest places." John said very intelligently. I smiled even more proud. We were going to use his as one of the highlights of the commercial.

"James." I smiled after we filmed John standing with a book of poetry in his hand. James took a seat in the chair and smiled.

"Define perfection." I told him.

"Perfection is beauty, genuineness, loyalty, honesty and uniqueness all in one bundle of greatness. Someone who isn't afraid to be themselves without fear of what others, even those close to them, may think because they know God made them in their image." James said smiling at me. I hid my face and then asked the next question.

"Do you believe society's idea of perfection is corrupted?" I asked James. He sat quietly and then nodded.

"Of course. Society is screwed up to the point of, if two people love one another whether they be of opposite sex or same sex, they say it's wrong. They also say if two people don't necessarily look like they belong, such as a male and a female because ones plus sized and the other is not, that those two are walking freak shows. When I believe it's absolutely beautiful that they've not only fallen for each other's looks but also for their souls. People say it's also okay to go out every night and not be tied down to one person and one person only. Society has taught the younger generations to be scared almost to be themselves because they think fitting in is easier. While it may be easier, fighting for what you love and what you stand for is much more rewarding. Society is definitely corrupted." James said basically speaking about our own relationship. I smiled as they took his chair away. He simply stood there. He only stood. He didn't have a prop, or anything really to do, we just zoomed into his face.

"Okay, Lizzi. You're turn for the camera. Do you remember what to say?" Alexa asked then sitting in my directors chair as I nodded. I then went to sit in the chair as Lex called action.

"Hi, I'm Elizabeth Allen. I'm here to tell you watching that you hold true perfection in your hands. We as the younger generation have the ability to tell the world that we will not believe their corrupted ideas of perfection. I believe full heartedly that we can all be thought of as beautiful because we are all unique. We all share being human and what else does anyone need in order to know they are perfect the way they are? Being the CEO and founder of 'Be Perfection' Foundation and Knowing since I myself was picked on and judged as a young adult, that I wanted to make a stand against any form of bullying or self esteem issues. Young people today don't get told enough that they too are perfect just how they were born. Take the stand with me and say 'no' to society. Be the ones who change the world. Be the ones who redefine perfection in our own words. Be the ones who take a stand to say we all are perfect even with imperfections. Be the ones to teach people that there's a new meaning to perfect. Be Perfection." I said passionately as Alexa called cut. Everyone clapped as I stood to do my own slow motion close up or zoom out. I blushed and then stood.

"Be fierce!" Alexa yelled as she then called action again. I stood with my chin tilted up and my sass evident. I shifted my weight back and forth and then rested my hand that wasn't already on my hip on my head and looked at the ground.

As I finished my close up take, everyone clapped including the crew. It was all done, just needed editing and we were good. I got many compliments from the crew about the foundation and I couldn't help but feel gratefulness towards each and everyone of them. "You were amazing." John said giving me a hug. I laughed.

"Thanks." I said as James stood behind and smirked. I walked over slowly and smiled.

"You looked freaking hot." James whispered before wrapping his arms around my waist. I giggled.

"Save that passion for later." I told him kissing him once. "For now, we are going out to celebrate." I whispered as I pulled him along and got the rest of our crew and loaded up our stuff and headed off for a celebration.

You're Perfect (A Big Time Rush Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now