Truth or Dare pt 1

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It was a quiet evening at the Jojo's house in Townsville. The two red teens who were in the dome was Blossom and Brick. The other blue and green ruffs/puffs have gone out.

Blossom and Brick were in Brick's room. Brick was playing PS4 as Blossom lyed on the bed on her phone.

"Brick, what are you playing?" Blossom asked as she looked up from her phone.

"Uh just some GTA V, why? You bored?" Brick replied.

"A little."

"Well let me finish this mission, babe, then we can hang out."


Brick finished the mission pretty quickly, since he's been playing the game for years now. He then logged off and shut the PS4 down. Brick sat on the floor with Blossom sitting next to him. Brick adjusted his red cap and the only thing he had on was a red tank top with black skinny jeans. Blossom was wearing white denim shorts with a pink crop top. Blossom set her phone down as Brick wrapped his arm around her waist.

"What do you wanna do, babe?" Brick asked.

"Well...I don't really wanna go out today." Blossom replied as she looked into Brick's crimson red eyes.

"So how about we play a game or something?" Brick suggested.

"Like...Truth or Dare..?"Blossom asked.

"Man, that's so boring though," Brick said. Making Blossom pout.

"Then what else do you have in mind? Brick?"

Brick smirked at Blossom. He then leaned his face closer to Blossom, making her blush.

"How about...naughty Truth or Dare..?" Brick whispered as he smirked, making Blossom blush.

"W-What? Brick, no!" Blossom exclaimed as she laughed nervously.

"Awh babe your no fun!" Brick pouted as he leaned away from Blossom's face.

"Brick, I understand you're horny right now, but I'm not in the mood."

Brick looked at his pink girfriend confused.

"I'm not horny, just wanted to spice the game up a bit. Instead of playing the boring ass original game." Brick said as he played with Blossom's amber hair.

Blossom then thought about it for a while, and knew that there wasn't really anything else for them to do. Except, she did agree that the naughty Truth or Dare sounded fun. Blossom still had naughty moments even for the bookworm she was. She sighed and faced Brick.

"Fine," Blossom finally said, making Brick grin. "But no extreme naughty stuff, okay?"

"As long as you don't get too aroused." Brick teased, making Blossom blush harder."

Blossom got out her phone and opened up the Truth or Dare app. She had it just in case of parties with her friends. She pressed the '2 Players' button and a screen like this showed up:


Middle School
High School
Rated R

Blossom noticed Brick looking over her shoulder. He pressed the XXX button and Blossom frowned at him.

"Brick! You only said naughty!" Blossom scowled.

"My hand slipped." Brick lied.

Blossom rolled her eyes and the gamd started.

"So we'll just pass the phone back and forth. Then we ask the other person Truth or Dare. Then you press the one they picked and they have to tell the truth or do the dare. It's same vice versa. Got it?" Blossom explained.

Naughty Truth Or Dare (Blossom x Brick) Where stories live. Discover now