New guys and old crushes

Start from the beginning

     „Thanks," I mouthed, and blushed slightly. „Enough about me! What did I miss?"

We walked down the hallway, on our way to our first class, while Bonnie brought me up-to-speed with her 'psychic abilities'.

    „Hold up, who's this?" Bonnie asked, making us stop in front of the school's office.

In there, talking to the secretary Mrs. Clarke, stood a tall guy with brown hair wearing a leather jacket.

     „All I see is back," Elena said bluntly.

     „It's a hot back," Bonnie stated, making us all chuckle. „I'm sensing Seattle...And he plays the guitar," Bonnie said in a mysterious tone.

Elena and I shared a glance before we scoffed.

     „You're really gonna run this whole psychic thing into the ground, huh?" I asked trying to contain my laughter.

Bonnie simply shrugged before answering flatly, a dreamy look on her face, „Pretty much."

Elena's smile faltered suddenly, and before I could ask what's wrong or see what caused the change of mood, she walked away.

     „I'll be right back."

I watched her disappear into the men's room. I furrowed my brow in confusion but figured she probably had a reason why she entered the wrong bathroom and shifted my attention back on Bonnie who now stared intently at the new guy.

     „Please be hot," she whispered.

I watched her with a grin on my face when moments later he finally turned around. He was definitely a looker with his strong jaw, straight nose, and deep brooding eyes. His open jacket hinted towards a well-toned physique and his whole demeanor extruded confidence.

I had to admit my heart skipped a beat when he walked past me.

Bonnie's eyes didn't leave the stranger one second and as he turned to walk down the hallway, she absentmindedly started to follow him. I was just myself about to run after her, a tease already on my lips when a broad and tall figure blocked my way.

     „Hey, Babe."

I sighed. Not the inwardly, silent kind, but the loud, exasperated, you're-really-starting-to-get-on-my-nerves kind.

     „Duke," I stated matter of factly as I tried to move past him, not even bothering looking up.

Besides being an enormous jerk, he also lived up to his jock reputation by being completely daft and trying to get into every girl's pants. Of course, he wasn't going to just let me leave. Putting a hand on my hips he pushed me backward until my back touched the locker row behind me, trapping me.

I swatted his hand away, sending him a death glare. He smirked at me, his brown eyes twinkling with mischief, as he ran his fingers through his spiked up ashy blonde hair.

     „Aw... Come on," he said his cocky grin not leaving his face. I so damn wanted to wipe it off of his face. "I missed you this summer, we could have had so much fun together."

He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, making me shudder in disgust.

     „Listen," I hissed through gritted teeth. „There is no 'we', we made out one time, when I was wasted drunk, and I knew right away that it was a terrible mistake. So please, just leave me the hell alone!"

I tried to push past him, but he was an immovable force. Moreover, my futile attempts to get away from him seemed to amuse him.

     „Duke," I growled warningly. „Let me go!"

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