scary story

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I entered the man's car and immediately noticed how shady he looked. He was partially bald with short grey hair on both sides of his head and he wore glasses. He started driving again and started going on about being a church pastor or something. I wasn't listening. A little while into the ride he asked me where I was heading. He still looked and sound suspicious so I decided to play it safe. "Oh, I'm just heading to a party. My car broke down before I could get there" I said. I mean, it was only half a lie. My car did in fact break down but I wasn't heading to a party. I was actually heading home, but I wasn't about to let him know my address. I decided I would get our at a bus station and get home on the bus. " a party this late at night? When a young adult like you still be in college and have to study?" he asked, turning toward me as a street light illuminated the inside of his car for a second making his face seemed even creepier than it did in the dark. "No actually, I'm out of school. A friend of mine was throwing a party tonight and wanted me to come" I said once again, only a partial lie. I graduated a few years ago. I noticed his hand reaching under his seat. My eyes darted up to find something to distract him with. Thankfully, a sign was coming up with the speed limit. "Hey, make sure your under the speed limit" I said, trying to hide my nervousness out of the corner of my eye I saw his hand return to the steering wheel. "Yes of course" he said, sounding annoyed. Suddenly, I heard something in the trunk of his car. It sounded like muffled banging. My heart sped up. Was... was that a person? There was no way I was going to ask him. The banging was soon joined by muffled screams and I immediately felt my heart stop. Who was this man? What - no, who - was in the trunk of his car? Now the man was going on about God or something. "You know, it's getting quite late. Perhaps the party's over by now, could I drop you off at your house?" he asked. Eyeglass in my watch. It had only been a couple of minutes since I've gotten into this car, but I was sure he only wanted to know where I lived." Actually, yeah, my friend's party ended a few minutes ago. I like if you dropped me off at my house. I live at 34 Johnson street." I said. Little did he know, the address I had given him was a bus stop. My plan was to go up to some random house and pretend to search my backpack for my keys. He probably leave soon after. The muffled banging in the back had gotten considerably louder and the screaming, which sounded more like whining was too. The man suddenly pulled over. "I'm sorry, I have to deal with something really quick. I put my dog in the back of the car because I didn't want him to ruin my car and knock everything over, you know? I'll just go and quiet him down" he said. "Sure, I'll just stand outside. I need some fresh air. I would also like to meet your dog" I said. If I could stand outside, I might be able to run into the woods and escape if the man agreed to let me see his 'dog' then perhaps he wasn't dangerous. If he did that I'd be sure he was. "Oh, I can't let you do that. You see my dog doesn't like strangers. He gets anxious and panicked, so I had to put him in the trunk. If he gets out he might try to attack you" He explained. "Oh, yeah of course. I understand." Yeah I understand that you're a murderer. I watched him leave the car, but what he didn't realize was that I noticed how he reached under the seat and made the movement look natural, and I noticed the glint of light on metal in his hand the split-second before he closed the door. As soon as I knew he couldn't see me, I open the glove compartment in search of a weapon to defend myself in case something went wrong. Not to my surprise there were a lot of papers in the compartment. I move the papers around as quietly as possible to try and find some sort of a weapon, but there was nothing. I closed it and as I leaned back into my seat, I caught a sudden glimpse of light reflecting off of some metal near the gas pedal. I grabbed whatever it was and it turned out to be a screwdriver. Good enough for me. The trunk open and, staying out of sight I climbed in the back row seats, hidden by the seeds as I listen to what they were saying. "Listen here, if you don't shut up now, I will kill you here now if I have to" the man hissed quietly. The muffled cries grew louder and more panicked. "I said shut up" the man has louder. I saw through a crack between the seats. There was a figure, tied up and curled in a fetal position laying in the trunk. He was visibly shaking. Suddenly, the man cut into the figure with the knife he held in his hand. The figure screamed, muffled by what I was sure was a gag and with a writhed in pain, they caught my eye and gave me a desperate, pleading look. "Now, stay quiet or I'll be forced to kill you before I can even get back to my apartment" demand snarled, slamming the trunk close. I go back in to the front of the car and had a sudden idea. I only had a few seconds to do it so I left it in the driver's seat and slammed my foot on the gas pedal just before the men down to the door. The car launched forward and the man ran after angrily waving the knife in the air with anger. The car however was far too fast and I easily lost him after a few turns. I took out my phone and, glancing at the road every second, got directions to my house and drove all the way there, with the victim still in the trunk. When I got home, I got out and went to the back of the car. I open the trunk and found the figure laying on the floor, shaking and bleeding. There was blood everywhere around him. They turned to me and I saw that they were teenage boys, probably a senior in high school. I smiled to myself as a teenage boy turned me, his eyes wide when he saw me. I could tell chills went down his spine when he saw me. "Scared of me now, huh? Shouldn't you be grateful that I saved you from that man?" I chuckled. The boy begins trying desperately to get out of the ropes tying his hands and feet. He knew his attempts were useless, but he also knew what would happen to him if he couldn't get out. "Now now, no need to be so desperate to get out" I said. "I'm just going to take you inside and you're going to be quiet and we're going to have a bit of... fun." I picked the boy up and he froze in terror as I did so. I carried him to my front door and left him there, hidden by a short brick wall on the porch, and went back to close the trunk, get the keys and lock the car. It was lucky for me to be able to find a new victim and a new car in one day. I return to the boy and opened up the door and carried him inside. The place looked like a normal house, but I had a hidden room. I headed upstairs and into the closet. The closet was someone big and had a rug on the floor. I move the rug with my foot and opened the now revealed trap door with my foot, and threw it open. It was completely dark down there for the letter was visible bleeding from my closet down to my hidden room. I threw the boy down and he let out a muffled scream before landing on the mattress around the letter. Then I climbed on the ladder and flipped the light switch. The boy's eyes widened as he took in the view of the room. Blood was on the wall, body parts were scattered on the floor, and I'm sure there were Sharp Tools that I used on my victims. In the center of the room with the table with adjustable straps attached to it and wheels. "You were right" I said to the boy who looked terrified on a mattress. I'd seen how I'm sure he was earlier when he saw my face, unsure whether I was who he thought I was. "I'm the daybreak killer."

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